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Sri Chinmoy's students describe their inner and outer experiences.

Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
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Manatita Hutchinson London, United Kingdom
Learning to follow my intuition
Saranyu Pearson Geelong, Australia
Regaining My Inner Joy
Sujata Muto Kyoto, Japan
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Prachar Stegemann Canberra, Australia
The Ever-Transcending Goal
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
My life with Sri Chinmoy
Namrata Moses New York, United States
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Lunthita Duthely Hialeah, United States
All I needed was the Supreme, and I would always win
Pragati Pascale New York, United States
Sri Chinmoy meets St. Peter
Paramita Jarvis Kingston, Canada
How sports and fitness became part of our spiritual life
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A 40-Year Blessing
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Running the world's longest race
Jayasalini Abramovskikh Moscow, Russia
My daily spiritual practises
Muslim Badami Auckland, New Zealand
No prior experience needed
Samalya Schafer Berlin, Germany
When I met Sri Chinmoy for the first time
Baridhi Yonchev Sofia, Bulgaria
My spiritual search from childhood
Hemabha Jang Jeonju, South Korea