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News from San Diego
Recently members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre visited San Diego in California for a variety of activities, including a concert, art exhibition and the unveiling of a statue of Sri Chinmoy.
During the two week Christmas vacation, visitors enjoyed fun in the sun, five times a day meditations, excursions to inspiring sites around the city, and more. The trip culminated with a series of programs that showcased the product of team effort and enthusiasm. Here is a brief summary of the most significant events:
Sri Chinmoy’s Paintings for World-Harmony were showcased at a Jharna Kala exhibition in City Hall.
It was an auspicious moment, as the newly-elected Mayor Bob Filner (who met Dr. Martin Luther King and was inspired to work for social change) said ““I have been recently studying Buddhism. When I heard the choir singing Sri Chinmoy’s song, A Moment’s Peace, I was reminded of the Buddhist practice called the bells of mindfulness. A few times a day someone rings chimes and everyone stops for a minute or two to focus on world-harmony. Then after a couple minutes people go back to their regular activities. What we want to do is re-focus on what we are all here for—and this is to create world-harmony.
We all have a common objective, and that is what this art represents. I just love the titles of these art works. We all have a responsibility to further what Sri Chinmoy is giving us here. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to carry out this responsibility here in our city.” He was also awarded the Peace Run Torchbearer Award.
Classes and workshops were held in Normal Heights at the Pilgrimage Yoga studio and the Jyoti-Bihanga classroom annex and featured the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan singers and lectures from Sujantra, Vasudha and Ashirvad.
A disciple art gallery was organized and offered by Papaha at his permanent studio in Normal Heights and featured artwork by Khipra, Olivia and Uhaina, Kaivalya, Jeff Steorts, Banalata and others.
The Songs Of The Soul concert event was offered to the public in the Catamaran Hotel in Pacific Beach and featured international singers, Sahadeva’s group, Canadian girls, Sangit Desh, New York singers, as well as Sujantra’s Indian tabla teacher performing with disciples. The stage featured a picture of Guru and Ravi Shankar, who lived in San Diego and recently passed away, as well as artwork by Papaha.
The Peace Park and Sri Chinmoy Statue were inaugurated on land offered by a neighborhood resident who has been a customer of Jyoti-Bihanga restaurant for many years and who has participated in our Los Angeles Masters Track & Field events. The ceremony opened with a live flute performance by Premik, and featured a talk by Nripal on Thomas Jefferson and his interest in the West, including California. Kaivalya who travelled all the way from London to be in attendance, spoke about his sculpture and of himself as a humble instrument of the Master.
The event was organized by Papaha, who has been involved with the local community for nearly 30 years and helped coordinate the design and implementation of the garden. Also in attendance were Mahasamrat Bill Pearl and his wife Bhavatarini Judy Pearl. The landscape design was made by Papaha’s childhood friend, who actively participated in all aspects of the project. Dozens of disciples worked for days during the trip to fulfill his design vision.
Challenging Impossibility and Ocean Monk, films by Sanjay and Natabara, were screened for the public at the Catamaran hotel, with a question and answer session following the movies featuring Mahasamrat (four time Mr. Universe), Bhavatarini and Frank Zane (three-time Mr. Olympia).
Text and photos from Agragati
New Talk on Peace from Oslo
At Sri Chinmoy TV we have published a new video taken during Oslo Peace Week in 2001, in which Sri Chinmoy meditates and talks on the quality of peace.
View video at Sri Chinmoy TV
Sri Chinmoy sometimes described himself as a student of peace, and he dedicated his life to spreading the ideal of peace. Sri Chinmoy wrote many poems on the quality of peace.
I enjoy peace Only when I am not afraid Of changing my stubborn mind.
Sri Chinmoy (Peace-Blossom-Fragrance, Part 1, Agni Press, 1994. )
See also:
- Quotes on Peace by Sri Chinmoy
- Oslo Peace Talk at Sri Chinmoy TV - and other related videos
The New Year
Sri Chinmoy saw the New Year as an opportunity to make great progress and would often give specific New Year Messages for the coming year. This extract expresses some of his philosophy about the potential of the New Year.
"On the eve of the New Year, a new consciousness dawns on earth. God once again inspires each human being, each creature, with new hope, new light, new peace and new joy. God says, "The New Year dawns and a new consciousness dawns within you. Run toward the destined Goal." We listen to God, to the dictates of our Inner Pilot, and we run toward the ultimate Reality. The New Year energises us, encourages us and inspires us to run toward that ultimate Goal.
When the New Year dawns, we have to make ourselves conscious of the fact that we have to transcend ourselves this year. We have to go beyond our present capacity, beyond our present achievement. When we have that kind of firm determination, God showers His choicest Blessings upon us."
- Sri Chinmoy, The Outer and the Inner Running
New e-book by 3100 Mile Race winner Grahak Cunningham
Grahak Cunningham, a four-time finisher and 2012 winner of the world's longest certified road race, has just published Beyond the Marathon: Insights into the Longest Foot Race in the World.
Loaded with training tips, anecdotes and race stories, this book takes you on the journey from Grahak's first race in 2007 as a multiday novice to his ultimate victory in 2012.
The Self- Transcendence 3100 Mile Race is held every year on a concrete footpath around an 883-metre block in Queens, New York. The race was founded in 1997 by fitness guru Sri Chinmoy as a testament to the endless possibilities of the human spirit.
A quote from the book cover: "Competitors must contend with boredom, fatigue, torrential deluges, extreme pain, injuries and sleep deprivation—but most of all, they have to deal with themselves. Outwardly for their efforts they will receive a plastic trophy and a t-shirt; inwardly, they make a lifetime of progress."
Songs about Jesus Christ by Mountain Silence
At Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have recently published a new recording by Mountain-Silence, featuring songs about Jesus Christ.
Mountain-Silence are a group of female musicians from Switzerland, Austria and other surrounding countries. Over the past few years, they have extensively toured around Europe, offering concerts of spiritual music.
In their repertoire, they have recorded several songs, composed by Sri Chinmoy about the Saviour Jesus Christ. Some songs are based on quotations from the Bible, others songs are dedicated to Jesus Christ - either in Bengali or English.
- View: The Kingdom of Heaven - Christ Songs at Radio Sri Chinmoy.
Sri Chinmoy said of the Saviour Christ:
“As the beloved Son of God, Jesus Christ came into the world to become part and parcel of earth’s existence, and to transform its consciousness from human to divine. True, his mortal years numbered a mere thirty-three, but birthless and deathless is His immortal sacrifice for Heaven and earth.” [1]Other Albums featuring songs about Jesus Christ
- Harmonia Coeli - Mountain Silence
- Be Thou My All - Mountain Silence
- Jesus Christ the Saviour - songbook at Sri Chinmoy Songs
- Selected Writings on Jesus Christ at Sri Chinmoy Library
[1] Excerpt from World-Destruction: Never, Impossible! Part 1 by Sri Chinmoy.
Martin Fryer sets new 24 hour M50 world record
In his first race representing the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, Martin Fryer, established a new World Record for men over 50 in a 24-hour track race of 247.59 km (153 miles, 1487 yards) in the invitational Soochow 24-Hour track race in Taiwan.
The old record was 247.21 km, set back in 1985 by Englishman, Dave Cooper. Martin described the conditions in Taiwan as the worst in which he has ever run – 23 hours of rain out of the 24, with really strong winds and an inch of water covering the track for much of the race.
One of his toughest moments was around the 15-hour point. “I could see my lap times getting slower and slower and my heart was starting to sink with the thought of enduring this for another 9 hours or so,” he later wrote. “As so often happens, this state of self-centredness was dissolved by the sight of a rain-soaked runner in Lane 2 who had his head down and was dragging one of his legs along the track surface.” This was 28-year-old Malaysian runner Cheng Zhee Long, who suffers from cerebral palsy. “The presence of his humble determination hit me like a tidal wave.” Martin recalled. Ultimately, he says he had one of his best ever races, with his consciousness always focused and clear.
“A period of reflection after the race made me realise that it wasn’t so much the achievement that gave me the joy,” he wrote, “but rather the whole process of being immersed in this wonderful, collective human consciousness embodying spirit, aspiration and joy.”
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar, the widely revered Indian Sitar Maestro, recently passed away aged 92. George Harrison said of Ravi Shankar that he was the '"godfather of world music"'. Ravi Shankar delighted audiences for many decades with his soulfully uplifting performances. His music and life helped provide a bridge between the devotional music of India, and new audiences in the West.

Ravi Shankar first met with Sri Chinmoy in 1973; and in later years, the two friends met on a number of occasions. In September, 2002, Sri Chinmoy offered Ravi Shankar the U Thant Peace award. An award Sri Chinmoy gave to inspirational people who had promoted peace and harmony in the world. On giving the award, Sri Chinmoy said of Ravi Shankar:
“Every single day, your colossal music soul swiftly travels the universe and prayerfully gathers a huge bouquet of twinkling stars to place at the Feet of the Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme … Ravi Shankar the musician and God the Supreme Musician sleeplessly communicate with each other through the language of love.” (Pilgrims of Eternity)

A few months later, after meeting Ravi Shankar in October 2002, Sri Chinmoy said of Ravi Shankar:
“Each time you play, you unreservedly inspire us to drink deep Nectar-Delight far beyond this world.” (Anahata Nada)
During this October meeting in PS86, Queens, New York, Sri Chinmoy and his students performed for Ravi Shankar and his wife Sukanya. This included the powerful vocal Ravi Shankar Song. Sri Chinmoy also played on a new esraj-like instrument.
Ravi Shankar later blessed and named the instrument “Chinmoy Beena”. There were also several musical performances by Sri Chinmoy’s students. The following evening Ravi Shankar and his daughter Anoushka, reciprocated, performing a special concert for Sri Chinmoy his students and invited guests under a huge tent at Aspiration-Ground. Recording at Radio Sri Chinmoy - Pranati Obeisance.
After Sri Chinmoy's mahasamadhi, Ravi Shankar said of his dear friend.
“It is such a shock and I cannot believe that brother Chinmoy is gone and that we would not see or hear him anymore. He had so much love for everyone. I am going to miss him always. I wish his soul to find ultimate peace in Heaven” (www.srichinmoy.org)
Kailash lectures in Brazil
Last week Kailash Beyer from the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Zürich, Switzerland, travelled to Brazil to offer lectures and meditation classes. He gave four talks in four different cities: Manaus, Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi.
Kailash's talks revolved around the transforming power of meditation and the importance of having a spiritual master to guide you on the inner journey of self-discovery. Kailash has been a student of Sri Chinmoy for over 30 years and has travelled the world to share Sri Chinmoy's spiritual philosophy with seekers of all walks of life.
New Compilation of Sri Chinmoy's Stories
A new compilation of Sri Chinmoy's stories have been published in the Czech Republic. Entitled 'The Golden Swan', it is a collection of stories, beautifully illustrated by Hungarian caricaturist Ludmilla Máthé.
These stories of goodness, love and forgiveness by Sri Chinmoy are written from the heart and for the heart; they will be enjoyed by both children and adults alike. Many of these stories tell about a rich variety of characters who lived in ancient India; stories which have been told and retold from time immemorial. Others are placed in the present time or a timeless world. Whatever the time period, they provide an entertaining and enlightening perspective on life.
- New Stories at Czech Sri Chinmoy Centre (in Czech)
- Inspiration Sounds at Radio Sri Chinmoy - Spoken stories in English.
- Stories and Tales at Write Spirit
Vajin wins Kepler Challenge for third time
Vajin Armstrong from the Christchurch Sri Chinmoy Centre became the first person to win the Kepler Challenge - one of New Zealand's premier trail running races - for the third time in a row.
The 60km race takes place amidst the stunning mountain scenery on New Zealand's South Island. In total, eight students of Sri Chinmoy ran the race.

Sri Chinmoy Triathlon Festival celebrates its 30th edition
In 1984, the Australian Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team staged the first triathlon ever held in the Canberra region. Recently the 30th such triathlon event staged by the Team took place, with 4 races over a weekend.
There was a Junior and Open Joyathlon for youth competitors, followed by a Sprint and Classic Triathlon.
The Australian Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team has gained a reputation as one of the country's best organisers of race events.
Related Links
- Race report
- Full results for all races
- Photo album from around the transition and finish area.
Inspiration News
On Sri Chinmoy TV, we have just published the latest episode of Inspiration News, a video collection of inspiring stories from around the world.
The latest edition features an interview with Channel Swimmer Vasanti Niemz from Heidelberg, a visit to an orphanage in Vietnam, a dedication of a statue for World Harmony in Cardiff, and an athletics events from Russia.
Inspiration News is inspired by Sri Chinmoy, who promoted many initiatives for world peace and world harmony. This episode includes recent projects inspired by this vision - such as the World Peace Dreamer statue of Sri Chinmoy in Cardiff Bay (photo above).
The presenter of Inspiration News is Utpal Marshall from Queens, New York.
View: Inspiration News at Sri Chinmoy TV
World Harmony Run in Vietnam
The World Harmony Run recently visited Vietnam and was enthusiastically welcomed by the local population. This unique run for world peace was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 and, in the past two decades has captured the imagination of thousands of people across the world.
The World Harmony Run in Hanoi. Invited guests and members of VUFO youth organization join in holding the peace torch.
Members of the World Harmony Run in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh Province.
Young Vietnamese children join in the run.
Here are some of the senior citizens who honored us by attending.
On the 7th November, the team went to visit the world renowned beauty of Ha Long Bay.
Sri Chinmoy hoped the Peace Run, would help spread the ideals of peace and harmony throughout the world. He wrote:
“This world of ours has everything except one thing: peace. Everybody wants and needs peace, whether he be a child or an octogenarian.”
- Sri Chinmoy [1]
Can be achieved
When the power of love
The love of power.
- Sri Chinmoy [2]
Further Reading
- World Harmony Run in Vietnam
[1] Sri Chinmoy, Eastern Light For The Western Mind, Agni Press, 1973
[2] Sri Chinmoy, 1997, Peace-Lovers, AUM publications
Songs of the Soul: Hungarian concert tour
Recently, four concerts took place in the Hungarian cities of Budapest and Szeged, featuring music from a variety of musicians within the Sri Chinmoy Centre performing arrangements from the music of Sri Chinmoy.
Performers playing to a packed crowd in Budapest.
The concert was inspired by the musical legacy of Maestro Sri Chinmoy.
Sri Chinmoy wrote on the power of spiritual music to uplift the human spirit.
"A seeker-singer feels that if he has no music, his heart is soulless. If he has no music, his life is useless. If he has no music, his goal is worthless. Why, why, why? Because music is the oneness-aspiration of humanity."
- Sri Chinmoy
Acapella singers
[1] Sound and Silence part 2 by Sri Chinmoy
Samunnati Wins Toulouse International Marathon
Samunnati Nataliya Lehonkova of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team won the Toulouse International Marathon in France on October 29th. Amidst extreme weather conditions including a temperature of 3 degrees Celsius, she set a new personal best in a time of 2.38:22.
Samunnati hails from Ukraine and is the fastest female runner in the international Sri Chinmoy Centres. Earlier this year she won the marathon in Edinburgh, Scotland. When running she tries to invoke spiritual energy to help her in the race. Samunnati says she is inspired by Sri Chinmoy's deep love of running.
Successful Gibraltar Straits Crossing
Vasanti Niemz, a two time English Channel swimmer and ultra-triathlete from the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Germany, has recently swum across the Gibraltar Straits, the body of water separating Spain from Morocco
Vasanti Niemz, a two time English Channel swimmer and ultra-triathlete from the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team Germany, has recently swum across the Gibraltar Straits, the body of water separating Spain from Morocco. Vasanti completed the 14K (8.7 mile) swim under favourable conditions in 5 hours and 25 minutes. She was assisted by Albena Margaritowa from Edinburgh. Vasanti's Gibraltar crossing was a dream come true. She dedicated the swim to the 25th anniversary of the World Harmony Run, a global Torch relay for peace founded by Sri Chinmoy.
Art Exhibition at the United Nations
Recently (15-26 October 2012), an exhibition of paintings for World-Harmony and World-Peace by Sri Chinmoy were displayed in the United Nations headquarters in New York. The exhibit introduces art as a way of promoting the ideals of peace, compassion, benevolence, non-violence, oneness and human understanding, which are so fundamentally necessary for humankind's peaceful co-existence.
This two-week long exhibition has been visited by a large number of world leaders and diplomats, such as Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Satish Dupelia, a great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.
This project have been organized by Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, Jharna-Kala Art Foundation and the NGO organization - Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations.
Archbishop Demond Tutu
'Jharna Kala' paintings at the United Nations.
Musical performances accompanied the art.
(Photos by Bashwar)
21 records broken at Impossibility-Challenger in Hungary
Competitors came from five countries came for the latest edition of Impossibility-Challenger event, which was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1983 to help record breakers transcend their limits. The records included 11 World Record attempts, 10 of which were successful.
Here is a sample of some of the records:

Earlier editions of the event have been held in Switzerland, Germany and New Zealand.
Related links
- Photos of the event at NBC Photoblog
- Videos at challengingimpossibility.hu
New at Radio Sri Chinmoy
In the past couple of weeks, there have been some exciting new releases at Radio Sri Chinmoy, including music and recordings by Sri Chinmoy.
Recent Releases by Sri Chinmoy
- The Meaning of Discipleship Today - a talk by Sri Chinmoy on the meaning of being a disciple.
- My Heart-Boat Sails - a recording of Sri Chinmoy's piano and organ music.
- Ascendant Journey - Sri Chinmoy's spoken word over meditative music - helpful for creating meditative atmosphere.
Recent Releases by Students of Sri Chinmoy
- Silence & Sound Rageshri and Kushali - haunting music from these talented musicians.
- Meditative classic - Minati's group - Beautiful music for meditation by female musical group from Germany.
- August Celebrations 2012 - Various recordings by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre.
Meditation Month, 2012
In Auckland, New Zealand, an October-long program of meditation courses, concerts, and other events attracted over 500 people to the Sri Chinmoy Centre’s annual Meditation Month activities. A highlight was the Music of the Heart concert– 350 people filled a central city hall on a rainless Tuesday night. Guest performers - seven musicians from Europe, Ireland and the U.S. and all members of the international Sri Chinmoy Centres - joined with local Centre members in various instrumental and vocal combinations, drawing from Sri Chinmoy’s vast legacy of 22,000 compositions.
Music has the power to positively change and enrich our world and Sri Chinmoy’s songs are all unified by the recurring spiritual themes of inner peace, self-mastery, the quest for God-discovery - he saw music as a powerful way of uplifting and inspiring humanity, a universal language uniting people together as a oneness-world family. In the concert program Sri Chinmoy’s own words describe this:
“When we listen to soulful music, or when we ourselves play soulful music, immediately our inner existence climbs up high, higher, highest………A river is flowing through us, a river of consciousness, and this consciousness is all the time illumined.”
A well received feature of the ‘Music of the Heart’ concert was its audience involvement – it invited concert-goers to bring their own meditative peacefulness to the evening, and to feel that both musicians and audience together could co-create an atmosphere of tranquility and joy.
“Put aside the thoughts of the day” the concert program encouraged, “ and let the mind be wide and empty like a summer sky; concentrate for a few minutes on the calm rhythm of the breath, breathing deeply into the heart. Feel the music in your spiritual heart like a river of consciousness flowing in and through you.”
The Music of the Heart tour party then went on to Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth and very successful concerts there. Commented one audience member: “ Some of the music, especially the women singing a cappella style, really touched my heart. It was a doorway into a forgotten part of myself, an unremembered inner space, and I found myself hoping the music would never end.”