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Exhibition of Sri Chinmoy's Weightlifting
In Prague, Czech Republic there is a public exhibition of some of Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting equipment.
Sri Chinmoy began weightlifting in the mid 1980s when he was already in his 50s. Sri Chinmoy said that weightlifting was an opportunity to show how the power of meditation could enable people to transcend their own limitations. In particular, he wished to inspire people in a positive way.
“If I can inspire anybody in this world, then I feel that my life is meaningful. With my weightlifting, I am offering my physical strength to inspire people.” [1]
Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting apparatus, included many unorthodox lifts. He wished to change the boundaries of weightlifting and introduce new challenges.
From the very beginning of my weightlifting career, I have tried to do new things. Why should I go on always with the old system as if that is the only way? I feel that people who come to break the traditional barriers are the ones who are the real heroes.” - Sri Chinmoy [2]
The exhibition includes two free screenings of the film - Challenging Impossibility.
Related- Photos from Prague Expo
- Sri Chinmoy at zvedanisveta.cz
- Inspiration Lifts
[1] New Zealand Fitness, Feb/March 2006 issue (No.77). Full article reprinted here:
500 Attend Joy-Day in Austria
Last weekend 500 of Sri Chinmoy's students from all over Europe attended a 'Joy-Day' in the small town of Mondsee in Austria. Surrounded by the breathtaking mountainous scenery they shared three days of joyful and spiritual activities.
The Joy-Days were created by Sri Chinmoy's as a means to share the joys of the spiritual life and to be able to experience the power of group meditation.
Aside from the regular meditations there were many recreational activities, such as waterskiing, golfing, horseback riding and archery. The evenings were reserved for enlightening and entertaining program items, like music, theatre and inspirational video's. In the morning a 5K race was organized around Lake Mondsee.
Samunnati wins the Edinburgh marathon
Samunnati Nataliya Lehonkova from the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Ternopilska, Ukraine, has won the Edinburgh marathon last Sunday May 27th. Under warm conditions and on a hilly marathon course Samunnati completed the race in 2:39:46. It was her second marathon win in her running career, after a win in Poland in 2010. Also it was her second marathon in 6 weeks, after she had placed second in the marathon of Utrecht (The Netherlands) last April in a personal best of 2:39:20. She commented that now she will take some well-deserved rest.
Samunnati says that Sri Chinmoy inspires her in her running career. His philosophy of self-transcendence and going beyond one's own preconceived limitations is a source of constant satisfaction to her. Sri Chinmoy encouraged his students to stay physically fit by running. Samunnati feels that the spiritual energy she receives from her daily meditation helps her in her running life. As Sri Chinmoy writes, "Through prayer and meditation we can develop intense will-power, and this will-power can help us do extremely well in our outer running."
During the race members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Edinburg cheered her on. In the evening they celebrated her victory at their Sunday night meditation.
Meditation classes in Korea
Every Sunday morning the Sri Chinmoy Centre of Seoul in South-Korea offers free meditation classes for the public. The classes are given in a yoga studio and are attended by about 40 people.
The classes are given by Hemabha, who also initiated the Seoul Sri Chinmoy Centre. Hemabha was born in Korea, but then moved to London where she became a student of Sri Chinmoy. She recently moved back to her home country.
Hemabha also organizes the Korean leg of the World Harmony Run.
RelatedJoy-Day in Nepal
To celebrate Sri Chinmoy's arrival in the West in April 1964 the Nepalese Sri Chinmoy Centre in Kathmandu organized a day of special celebrations. This 'Joy-Day' consisted of joyful and spiritual activities, such as meditation, singing, a spiritual play and a visit to Sri Chinmoy's statue in Nagarkot, at the foot of the Himalaya's.
At the Joy-Day there were also four disciples from Bangladesh, which is Sri Chinmoy's land of birth. One of these students is doing her PhD thesis on Sri Chinmoy's poetry.
More photos of Sri Chinmoy statue in Nepal
Music from Nepal - report about Songs of the Soul concert in Kathmandu.
Ananda Tour in the Balkans
The British music group Ananda travelled to the Balkan countries recently for a series of seven meditative concerts dedicated to the music of Sri Chinmoy. They performed in Macedonia, Serbia and Bulgaria for audiences ranging from 100 to 300 people.
Ananda's group members are male students of Sri Chinmoy living in the UK and Ireland. The group creates haunting and soul-stirring arrangements of Sri Chinmoy's soulful and meditative songs and just released their fourth album.
Apart from their concerts, they also gave a series of lectures on meditation and spirituality in five of the cities they visited.
Ananda Music.co.ukJayasalini's Lecture Tour in Brazil
Recently, Jayasalini Abramovskikh from the Moscow Sri Chinmoy Centre, travelled to Brazil for a series of meditation classes focused on the subject of Self-Transcendence. One week earlier Jayasalini had completed the Self-Transcendence 6 Day Race in New York where she ran a total of 600K, averaging 100 kilometres per day.
According to Jayasalini the 6 Day Race is an opportunity to develop faith, willpower and the necessity of competing only with oneself.
Our philosophy Is progress. In our self-transcendence Is our tremendous joy.
- Sri Chinmoy [1]
Jayaslini lectured in Sao Paolo and Rio de Janeiro. About 100 spiritual seekers attended her classes.
[1] Sri Chinmoy, Excerpt from Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 13
World Harmony Run 25 years anniversary
On April 27th the World Harmony Run/Peace Run celebrated its 25th anniversary. The World Harmony Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy in 1987 to foster good will and world peace by running with a Peace Torch all over the world. The Run has visited over 140 countries to date and annually reaches about one million people.
Sri Chinmoy Centres from all over the world celebrated the anniversary by organizing special World Harmony Run events in their respective cities.
In Ljubljana,Slovenia, (left) runners carried the Peace Torch to a site where they will plant a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Tree in October.
Ten Thousand Flower-Flames Recording
Ten Thousand Flower-Flames is a series of poetry Sri Chinmoy wrote between the years of 1978 to 1983. At Radio Sri Chinmoy, there is a new recording of Sri Chinmoy reading out some selected poems from this series.
God's Forgiveness finds me No matter where I am. God's Compassion takes me Where I ought to go.
- Sri Chinmoy
- Selected 207 Flower-Flames
- A commentary on 10,000 Flower Flames by Dr Vidagdha Bennett
Oneness Dream Songs
Oneness Dream is an international all-male a cappella choir, dedicated to performing the songs of Sri Chinmoy.

Sri Chinmoy saw music as a pure language of the heart, and a way to celebrate the underlying unity of humanity.
"Music is the language of God. God's language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough."
- Sri Chinmoy [1.]

Oneness Dream have performed in churches and temples in different parts of the world.

On a recent visit to Myanmar, a Buddhist country, they offered songs composed by Sri Chinmoy dedicated to the Lord Buddha.

On a previous tour in Iceland, they includes songs about the Saviour Christ. This group sings the songs of Sri Chinmoy without harmony or accompaniment – but just concentrating on the purity, beauty, simplicity, and immediacy of word and melody.
- Visit Oneness Dream
- In Vastness Peace - Sri Chinmoy
Auspicious Good Fortune
'Auspicious Good Fortune' is a new book by Sumangali Morhall, which tells of her journey from disillusionment to interest in meditation and becoming a student of Sri Chinmoy.
Published by Mantra Books, it is available at Amazon and selected independent book stores. The book gives a first hand account of life as a student of Sri Chinmoy.
"...I began writing down a few memories several years ago, and after Sri Chinmoy's passing in 2007, wondered about joining them together in a book. This was partly in the hope of telling the story to others who may find it interesting or inspiring, and partly for my own sake so I
did not forget my experiences.
It has taken three years to write in earnest and to find a publisher, so today is the culmination of a long but rewarding journey. This has been a significant part of my own sadhana during this time: a spiritual discipline, and a creative outlet. Overall it has been a way to offer my gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for the countless ways he has led me to a happier and more conscious life..."
- Auspicious Good Fortune at Amazon.com
- Auspicious Good Fortune at Sumangali.org
- At the Feet of My Master - Pradhan
- Eat My Dust - Kalatit Baker
Self-Transcendence 6 - 10 Day Race 2012
The 15th annual Self Transcendence 6 / 10 day race, organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, recently started in Flushing Meadows, NY.
The two ultra distance races, run concurrently around a loop in Flushing Meadows, New York, have attracted a top field of international ultra distance runners.

The races are organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team and staffed by volunteers who come to races. Sri Chinmoy was a keen advocate of distance running as a way for people to try and transcend their physical, mental and spiritual limitations.
- 6- 10 Day Races at Sri Chinmoy Races
- 6 - 10 Day Races at Perfection Journey blog by Utpal
- 6 - 10 Day Race gallery
Let's Meditate NYC
On 9 April, the New York Sri Chinmoy Centre organised a unique meditation workshop which drew an enthusiastic audience of 500 people.
As well as information and techniques on meditation, the evening also featured soulful musical performances which brought the listener directly into the vastness and peace of meditation. Many of the musicians had arrived from all corners of the world to attend the anniversary celebration's of Sri Chinmoy's arrival in the west on April 13, 1964.
Songs of the Soul in New York
Songs of the Soul was started in April 2008 as a way to share Sri Chinmoy's vast musical legacy with the public through choral, instrumental and orchestral performances in a wide variety of styles. New York played host to two very powerful and moving Songs of the Soul concerts on April 14.
The concert featured Ottawa-based group Sangit Surabhi in their first Songs of the Soul performance.
Also performing were Paree's International Group, which have been singing Sri Chinmoy's songs acappella for over 20 years.
The concert concluded with a powerful and soulful performance by British group Ananda, with the help of international guests including Premik Russell Tubbs on flute and Adesh Widmer on sitar.
World Harmony Run USA 50-state launch
On April 12, runners and supporters of the World Harmony Run from around the globe gathered at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza for the Opening Ceremony of the U.S. World Harmony Run.
The event was attended by many dignitaries and ambassadors from around the world. It also offered an opportunity for the Run to honour individuals and groups who have worked tirelessly for peace in their own way. For example, the World Harmony Run Torch Bearer award was given to the people of Japan for thir stoicism, courage, cheerfulness in coping with the ordeal of the earthquake and tsunami last year.

The runners will now embark on a journey across all 48 continental states (with local events in Alaska and Hawaii) which will end in August.
For the full event report, visit the World Harmony Run site...
Japan-Korea Joy Day
Sri Chinmoy encouraged students from different countries to meet together for Joy Days - gatherings of meditation and spiritual practice, but also games and (as the name suggests) joy!
Recently, Japanese and Korean students met together in Japan for the first such Joy Day.

(Left) Hemabha from Korea celebrates her birthday. (Right) some of the afternoon games.
There are now plans for the first Asian Joy Day later on this year.
Oneness-World Peace-Family Festival in South Africa
Recently in South Africa, students of Sri Chinmoy organised a festival which brought together spiritual seekers and peace-lovers from many different countries.

Among the events was a tree planting ceremony attended by officials from the nearby Parks Department, accompanied by a plaque with quotes from Sri Chinmoy and the United Nations Declaration.
Later on, members and friends of the Sri Chinmoy Centre met together for an evening of japa (meditative chanting).
New Run and Become store in Edinburgh
The 'Run and Become' chain of running stores was started in the early 1980's in London by one of Sri Chinmoy's students Ongkar Tony Smith. The name comes from one of Sri Chinmoy's aphorisms: ‘Run and Become, Become and Run. Run to succeed in the outer world. Become to proceed in the inner world.’ There are now two other shops, in Edinburgh and Cardiff.

After 20 years in business, the Edinburgh store has just moved to a new City Centre location in Queensferry Street. This follows on from a major renovation of the London store 18 months ago.

To mark the opening, there was a small ceremony attended by many Scottish athletics luminaries.
More information: Run and Become blog
Harmony Run in Oxford and Cambridge
The World Harmony Run, founded by Sri Chinmoy, recently visited the two ancient university cities of Oxford and Cambridge.

In Cambridge, the run visited Kings College Cambridge and was met by Dr John Barber, a Fellow of King's College.

The run was also greeted by the Mayor of Cambridge who supported the Run's hope to promote peace and harmony.
In Oxford, the run visited two schools and also found time to visit Mark Williams and his team of researchers at Warneford hospital. Mark Williams heads a 'mindfulness clinic' which has researched the benefits of meditation in helping to cure persistent depression. The successful research has led to mindfulness being prescribed as a treatment on the National Health Service.

Mike Williams was awarded a 'Harmony Torch bearer award' for his contribution in empowering people to overcome depression.
In Oxford, there was also a visit to Harcourt Arboretum, where a Peace Tree was planted to leave a lasting legacy for peace.
"The flower of the life-tree is wisdom. The fruit of the life-tree is peace."
- Sri Chinmoy

Planting an English Oak, dedicated to peace.
RelatedWorld Harmony Run in British Isles, New Zealand and Australia
It have been a very active month for the World Harmony Run - the European Run is currently proceeding through the British Isles while the Asia-Pacific run started in Auckland, NZ and travelled through that country before arriving in Australia.

The Irish team spent St Patricks Day in traditional style - by participating in the St Patricks Day Parade in the town of Drogheda

The run then continued on to Scotland and the UK where they have been running through some beautiful scenery on their way to London

The Asia-Pacific run began on March 5 with an opening ceremony in Auckland's central square

On March 19, the runners crossed from New Zealand to Australia, with a welcoming ceremony for the runners in Adelaide which included representatives from 25 countries releasing 25 doves to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Harmony Run