Latest news and features
President Gorbachev
March 2nd is the 80th birthday of President Gorbachev, a good friend of Sri Chinmoy. Mallikarjun Rakala writes a short piece on the contribution of President Gorbachev.
At his first meeting with President Gorbachev, Sri Chinmoy said:
"You are the master-key of the global heart. You have liberated the world from bondage-night, and you have brought to the fore the inner freedom which we need so desperately. Before, people were in darkness, and now you have brought light to them."
Sri Chinmoy, [1. Sri Chinmoy, Gorbachev: The Master-Key Of The Universal Heart, Agni Press, 1990.]
Sri Chinmoy Flute Music
Sri Chinmoy recorded several CDs of flute music which make an ideal aid to meditation.
The flute was one Sri Chinmoy's favourite instruments. He started playing the Indian flute in 1974, and he first played the Western flute in a public concert in Melbourne 10th March 1976. (landmarks since 1974 at Sri Chinmoy.org)
Many have found Sri Chinmoy's peaceful and ethereal flute music to be a great aid to meditation.
Sri Chinmoy's first recorded flute performances can be heard at Radio Sri Chinmoy - early Flute Recordings
Sri Chinmoy enjoyed experimenting with new and different types of flute. To celebrate his 74th birthday, he played 74 different flutes from around the world. See: 74 Flutes at Sri Chinmoy Centre
Photo top. Unmesh, Sri Chinmoy Galleries
Related- Video of Sri Chinmoy playing Flute in Thailand
The Esraj
The Esraj, an Indian stringed instrument, was Sri Chinmoy's favourite instrument; on the Esraj Sri Chinmoy offered many soulful performances of meditative music.
O esraj, I am all gratitude to you
For bringing to the fore
The divine musician in me.
Sri Chinmoy playing the Esraj. Photo by Pavitrata.
The Here and Now
Through the practise of meditation, Sri Chinmoy taught the importance of living in the present moment.
A global man knows no past
And no future.
He knows only the Eternal Now
To illumine the confusion-mind
And feed the aspiration-heart
Of the world-family.
Photo Top: Sharani
Run for World Peace
Recently, the World Harmony Run visited Kathmandu in Nepal seeking to promote the ideals of global harmony and world peace. The team of international participants were joined by many local children, sports-people and local dignitaries.
- World Harmony Run Presentation including Honorable Paramanda Jha, Deputy President of Nepal.
Runners sharing the torch.
Running through the streets of Kathmandu with motorcycle escort.
More photos at: Nepal 17th January at World Harmony Run
In 1997, Body, Mind and Spirit magazine requested Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the World Harmony Run, to offer a short message about world peace for publication in a special issue.
World peace can blossom throughout the length and breadth of the world only when the world-peace-dreamers, world-peace-lovers and world-peace-servers desperately, sleeplessly and breathlessly long for the full manifestation of peace here on earth.
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, A Peace-Collecting Pilgrim-Soul, New York: Agni Press, 1980 ]
RelatedAt The Feet of My Master
Recently Pradhan Balter, a student of Sri Chinmoy for over 30 years, published a book - At The Feet of My Master about his life and experiences with his Spiritual Teacher. His book offers an insightful and illumining account of his 30 years as a disciple of Sri Chinmoy.
You can visit his site: At The Feet of My Master, where it is possible to order.
We asked him a few questions about the process of writing.
Why did I write the book?
If you would allow me, I would prefer to re-word the question to “Why was the book written?” At the time of writing it, there was no intent…no purpose beyond offering something nice to Guru. In fact, the book evolved as a result of a series of experiences I had with Guru
As you know, “sitting at the feet of the Master”, historically speaking, is a position of great honour and opportunity. But I never felt that this was a reflection of me or my own inner capacity. There was nothing about me that “earned” this role. It was, frankly, a boon given to me. I was a piece of fruit that Guru chose. He could easily, and in fact, did choose many others for this role. I felt, therefore, that the role didn’t belong to me and it was my responsibility, or even mandate, to share the experience with others.
This “experience sharing” would typically only take place privately in front of a few friends or spiritual-family members and always in the form of story-telling.
The very first time I formally wrote a story down on paper, I did so only because I thought Guru would enjoy it. I knew that if he liked it, he’d have me read it, but if not, no harm. It was on a Christmas trip in Tenerife. I wrote about an experience which I called NOAMS: No outer attention misery syndrome. It was very frank. It’s easy for me to be frank about my own personal experiences, so here I wrote about how my life changed when Guru first asked me to work on him, how I became very attached to the role, and how I received a very lovely public “blessing-scolding” because of that, etc, etc. So, I was delighted when Guru told me at a group function, “I read your story. Please read it aloud. You have a copy?” I replied that didn’t, but I could easily tell the story.
After I told the story, which was well received by the disciples, Guru very kindly invited me to his feet and quietly told me, “You can’t imagine how many people you helped by telling this story.” Thus began both my careers as a writer and public story-teller.
I would regularly submit stories to Guru, and he would equally regularly follow-suit with a “Pradhan, tell that story.” After three stories or so, he very nicely told me that I don’t have to submit the stories to him (for pre-approval). He did not have to read them. And on a regular basis, on my birthday and on Christmas trips, Guru would have me tell a story.
For my 31st disciple anniversary, on a Christmas trip, I told Guru I wanted to write a book of 31 stories. Guru enthusiastically encouraged me…really! Sometimes, I would be sitting with Guru and he would call for someone else to sit with him and then tell me, “Go and write,” which I did.
The following April, I submitted the manuscript to Guru with a cover. The original cover was, At the Feet of the Master, subtitled 'One insignificant disciple’s stories, experiences, recollections and lessons with his Supremely significant Master'. Guru returned the book with a corrected cover, crossing out “the” and replacing it with “my” and then replacing the subtitle with his own written one, “The oneness of an ascending heart-cry and a descending Soul-Smile”. I couldn’t believe it! Then Guru added two birds, and picked out a picture of him and me to use on the back. I felt so blessed and honored.
When it came time to offer it to the disciples, Guru set the price and gave it a (still unbelievable to me) endorsement, “Every disciple should read this, and then read it again!”
Now back to your question. I did not write it with an intention. But in hindsight now, I feel the reason I was given the role of working on Guru was because I was gifted with the necessary skills to share the experience with others. So writing the book was simply the culmination of that responsibility.
How did you find the experience of writing about the ups and downs of your own spiritual life? Was there anything you found particularly difficult to write about?
I’ve been told by others that they would find it difficult writing about their own ups and downs…exposing themselves, as it were. But for me, honestly, that’s not a problem. My most joy-filled and pain-filled moments were always a result of my own actions. Who doesn’t go through these things, so where is the cause for embarrassment? (I honor others feelings about it…we all have our own things to deal with.) But in fact, the multitude of weaknesses that I carry have made it so completely obvious that the only reason I survived some 40 years was by Guru’s Grace~Patience~Forgiveness~Love for me.
I was not unique in receiving this. When I would sit with Guru, I would witness this same Love~concern directed to all of his disciple-children. Not only would I witness it first hand and up close in how he spoke with others directly, but sometimes I could not help but overhear a phone call, or sometimes, Guru might even mention or discuss things with me. That was always a little funny--discussing a problem that another disciple had, that I also had…and Guru knew it! I think it was another way Guru used to convince me that I could transcend my own difficulties.
The process of writing down one’s experiences is really important. Guru encouraged it. There is something about the process of writing that forces one to be more precise about the recollection than simply talking about it. So, I would encourage all of the disciples to do it, both for posterity’s sake and for their own inspiration’s sake!
Video of Pradhan
After the mahasamadhi of Sri Chinmoy, how do find the Master-disciple relationship?
This is a little question with a big answer. In human terms, Guru’s departure from the earth plane was immense for me and a pivotal experience in my spiritual life. I am sure it was that for everyone but let me explain how it played out in my own life.
Guru allowed me to be outwardly close to him. I believe we all get precisely what is required for own spiritual development. I wrote about this in one of my stories. For whatever reason, Guru saw fit to share his outer life with me in a most sacred way.
More than a year before Guru’s leaving, I was sitting with Guru alone. He was in his reclining chair, and I was sitting at Guru’s feet facing him directly. Guru fell asleep, and I remember putting my head down, closing my own eyes, while I simply massaged Guru’s feet, gently, so as not to disturb him. At a certain moment, I looked up at Guru and he was just rousing, but for a brief moment his inner consciousness had not yet fully permeated his body, and I was shocked to see what I interpreted to be his physical by itself without his wakeful consciousness operating. Guru looked over 100 years old! Shocked, and may I admit, dismayed is the right description. Then as Guru more fully awoke, the youthfulness of his ever-present divinity brought life to his physical.
I went home and shared this experience with only one person and told this person that I would be spending every moment I could with Guru because I could see Guru aging. So, in the last year of Guru’s life, I found myself in New York almost 2 weeks a month. I went on every trip so as to be of service should Guru want. (I missed one trip-an overnighter to New Orleans, and received a phone call the next day “Where are you? Why are you not here?!”)
For me, the time I spent with Guru that last year was more intimate, more special. I would typically go to New York and spend 5 hours a day with Guru…2-3 hours in the afternoon, sometimes alone…2-3 hours in the evening. I didn’t receive any “special” or “ruthless” scoldings that year, perhaps an occasional gentle reprimand. And it seemed to me that Guru was pulling everyone in, inviting people in to be closer to him that year…some people whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, friends of the Centre…were all invited to come closer. For every second of Guru’s life, he fought on behalf of his disciples, to the very end. Believe me, if I sensed Guru’s time was coming, he certainly knew.
So, Guru’s departing was shocking to me, as I am sure it was to all of us. And now everything moved inward. Massaging Guru was like being force-fed. It was like taking a bone-dry sponge and putting it in a pan of water: the sponge expands as it absorbs the water. That’s what it was like massaging Guru. I could feel his spiritual force enter into me, and my consciousness could not help but expand. And that is now gone. I can only imagine what those who spent every moment of their day around Guru must have gone through.
Yes, everything moved inner. It had to. There was no choice. And along the way, I had to re-affirm all my faith. It is now 3 years and I feel that perhaps I am coming to grips with it. At the end of this past year, I felt like I was hanging by a thread, but the Christmas trip allowed me to re-consecrate myself again…to deepen my meditation, to run, to read, to do the things that Guru always encouraged us to do. And, I am grateful to say, I feel Guru’s presence very, very strongly and solidly, perhaps the most since that fateful day in October, 2007.
As I look at the world, I realize that, really, Guru’s light such a wonderful solution for a hurting world population. And, as his disciple, it is incumbent upon me to be a vehicle to spread that light. I have to honor Guru’s investment in me. I use the term “investment” here, but it was really his sacrifice.
In this regard, I think spiritual family is so important. Ask anyone else how they view you, and they will always you something which is higher, better, more inspiring than how you see yourself! So, I’ve been keen on living up to others expectations of me. Guru had a higher expectation yet, so this helps!
Guru always said we should claim him, his light. As a disciple, this is our responsibility, and then we should spread it, lovingly, compassionately, as he did with us.
Any plans for a second book?
More than plans…it’s just about done. It’s a book based on the classes I’ve given over the years. It can serve as a guide for anyone teaching a class, or it can actually serve as a seeker guide book. It is now in the final stages of editing and being checked that Guru’s writings are being accurately referenced. I am hoping it will be done and available by the end of February. It’s called A 21st Century Seeker.
- At the Feet of My Master.com
- At the Feet of My Master at Amazon.com
- Interview with Pradhan at Sri Chinmoy TV
Sri Chinmoy Gallery
Sri Chinmoy Gallery is a new site offering a daily photo from the multifarious activities of Sri Chinmoy.

Sri Chinmoy in 2005, photo by Prashputita
The site is maintained and designed by Parimal Repka from Hungary. The site also features, poems, aphorisms and videos.
Sri Chinmoy Gallery.comMusic from the Himalayas
In Kathmandu, in the foothills of the Himalayas, a musical concert was recently offered in celebration of the music of Sri Chinmoy.

Performers from the Songs of the Soul concert.

Sitars, guitar and tabla. Coverage at the Himalayan Times
Sri Chinmoy visited Nepal on two occasions in the 1990s. After a visit to Nepal, Sri Chinmoy wrote:
"The moment I use the word 'Nepal', inside my heart something so deep and haunting I feel, like a most melodious tune. Such a sweeter than the sweetest melody I hear when I use the word 'Nepal'. I am very happy to be of service to Nepal, to all the Nepalese hearts, Nepalese souls and Nepalese lives."
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Answers, Part 22, New York: Agni Press, 2000. ]

Nepalese performers.
Related- More photos from Kathmandu concert at Songs of the Soul
Photos top two by Jowan
Peace Concert at Nobel Peace Center
In 2007, Sri Chinmoy offered a peace concert at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway.

The recording is available at Radio Sri Chinmoy from the recording 'My Heart Offering'.
The recording features performances on the Esraj, Indian and Western Flute and other instruments. This concert was one of the last before Sri Chinmoy's mahasamadhi in October 2007. Throughout his life, Sri Chinmoy sought to be a student of peace.
"Peace. Peace is love unmistakably realised. Peace is joy unreservedly shared. Peace is oneness soulfully expanded. Peace is fulness permanently founded."
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Inner Peace And World Peace: Agni Press, 1992.]
Nepal Sri Chinmoy Statue
On Monday, January 10th, 2011 a new statue of Sri Chinmoy was unveiled at Nagarkot, Nepal.

Sri Chinmoy visited Nepal in 1994 and 1999. In 1994, the mountain, Ghenge Liru, part of the Langtang mountain range, which stands in proximity to the statue was dedicated as a Sri Chinmoy Peace Mountain.
" What does peace do? Peace blossoms. What else? Peace spreads. What else? Peace illumines. What else? Peace fulfils."
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Peace: Agni Press, 1995]

Statue overlooking mountain.
Seeking a Spiritual Path
Adhiratha Keefe has published a short account of how he became a seeker and then student of Sri Chinmoy in the early 1970s.

Adhiratha with Sri Chinmoy in early 1970s
Adhiratha also shares some of his experiences as a student of Sri Chinmoy, including participating in the World Harmony Run and being involved in other initiatives for peace.
Kailash Singing Group
Kailash's singing group is dedicated to learning and performing the prolific musical compositions of Sri Chinmoy. Since it was formed a few years ago, it has performed over 7,000 songs of Sri Chinmoy.

The group perform the songs of Sri Chinmoy without arrangement or instrumental backing.
More on Kailash's singing group at Radio Sri Chinmoy
On Radio Sri Chinmoy, we have published interviews with three members of this unique group.
- Interview with Kailash part 1
- Interview with Adarsha Kelly Part 2
- Interview with Prachar Stegemann Part 3
Photo Top: Mount Kailash - by, Ondřej Žváček, GNU license.
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees is a collection of short poems that Sri Chinmoy composed between 1998 and 2007. New books have been added to Sri Chinmoy Library, and the full set will be available soon.

I have a false boss
And a real boss.
My false boss is my ego-pride
And my real boss is my heart-delight.
Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, # 49019, Part 50, Agni Press, 2009]
Little by little,
My soul’s light
Is coming to the fore.
- Sri Chinmoy [2. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, # 49023 Part 50]
God is every day looking
For more and more
Self-giving seekers.
- Sri Chinmoy [3.
Sri Chinmoy, # 49043, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 50 ]
Photo, Tejvan, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries.
Related I always try to speak with my heartInspiration from Africa
Earlier this year, the World Harmony Run passed through some of the most beautiful landmarks in South Africa, and helped to unite many people in working towards a more harmonious and positive future.
see more at Zimbabwe - Victoria Falls
The World Harmony Run, was founded by Sri Chinmoy, as an initiative to encourage world peace and friendship amongst the different peoples of the world.
The initiative has been supported by African leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu.
"My Brother in peace, we acknowledge the tremendous contribution which you and your peace movement are making to promote global peace."
- Nelson Mandela [1. World Harmony Run - Torch Relay for Peace and Harmony p.118. New York: Agni Press, 2010]
“I am happy to support your Peace Run for justice, peace and reconciliation. The world must know that God wants us to live amicably as brothers and sisters, members of one family, the human family, God’s family.”
- Desmond Tutu [2. World Harmony Run - Torch Relay for Peace and Harmony p.118. New York: Agni Press, 2010 and World Harmony Run, S.A.]
Children hold the Torch on a recent visit of Run, through South Africa.
"The absence of war is not and cannot be the real peace. Real peace is the unmistakable establishment of celestial harmony and universal love."
- Sri Chinmoy (Founder of World Harmony Run) [3. Sri Chinmoy. Perez de Cuellar: Immortality's Rainbow-Peace, New York, Agni Press, 1989]
RelatedWhen The Power of Love Replaces The Love Of Power
Sri Chinmoy taught a simple message that the power of love needs to replace the love of power.
Sri Chinmoy expressed this philosophy in a number of aphorisms:
When the power of love
Replaces the love of power,
Man will have a new name:
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, 1970, Meditations: Food For The Soul, Agni Press]
Can be achieved
When the power of love
The love of power.
- Sri Chinmoy [2. Sri Chinmoy, 1997, Peace-Lovers, AUM publications]
Explaining the meaning of this aphorism, Sri Chinmoy writes
"Question: I have read your aphorism that says. “When the power of love replaces the love of power, man will have a new name: God.” Could you please elaborate on this?
Sri Chinmoy: The love of vital power is destroying the entire world, but the divine love, which is power itself, can only transform us—transform the human in us into the divine. The love of power is the love of supremacy. If I can have a little more power than you, then I will try to lord it over you. An individual or a nation feels that by exercising power it is possible to conquer the heart of humanity. But this is impossible! We are crying to see the Face of God, not because He is all Power, but because He is all Love. It is only the power of love that can really conquer the heart and change the face of humanity.
This is not only my discovery; it is the discovery of all sincere seekers. If we feel that the world is full of hate, we will constantly have a bitter feeling toward life. Then immediately we will try to conquer the world with our vital power, the power that wants to dominate. But when we pray and meditate early in the morning, if we cherish good thoughts, divine thoughts, loving thoughts that come from the depths of our heart, immediately we feel that the world is our friend. We feel that there is no enemy for us or that there are very few enemies. At that time we are experiencing the positive power, the power of oneness, which comes from love...."
Continue Reading at Sri Chinmoy Library
World's Heaviest Shoes
Ashrita Furman recently set a new Guinness World Record for walking in the heaviest shoes, another unique feat of self-transcendence from the person who holds the most current Guinness World Records. The record was part of Guinness' annual - Guinness World Records day. Previous records include challenging events such as the most consecutive forward rolls - a rather nauseous 12 miles, and the longest continuous distance whilst balancing milk bottle - 80 miles .

In a recent article at the Wall Street Journal, Ashrita explains his inspiration for feats of self-transcendence come from his meditation and spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. Though unathletic at school, Ashrita found a new source of energy and athleticism after practising yoga and meditation under the tutelage of Sri Chinmoy.
Ashrita featured in the British Sun"I want to inspire people," says Mr. Furman, who is almost always training for three or four events. "If you have a dream, you can achieve your dream. I'm living my dream." - Ashrita at Wall Street Journal
Sangit Surabhi
Sangit Surabhi is an all-female vocal and instrumental ensemble founded in 2007. The group is based in Ottawa, Canada and comprises members from the Sri Chinmoy Centre.
Sangit Surabhi performing at The Garden of Light in Ottawa.
Sangit Surabhi perform the devotional songs of Sri Chinmoy, who composed many thousands of meditative songs. Sri Chinmoy writes of music:
Music knows no frontiers.
It is free all-where.
Its contribution to emotional integration,
Human and divine,
Can never be fathomed.
- Sangit Surabhi.ca - 'The Soul Stirring melodies of Sri Chinmoy'
- Music at Sri Chinmoy Centre
Film Festival Online
Ocean Monk, a short film directed by Sanjay Rawal, was chosen as the winner in the FestivalsOnline competition by the St Louis International Film festival.
Ocean Monk chronicles the lives of a group of students of spiritual teacher, Sri Chinmoy in their search for inner peace amongst the surf and urban environment of New York. The film explores the relationship between surfing, meditation and the quest for self-enlightenment amidst this unlikely setting.
In the short preview period, the film generated a substantial number of views and comments, striking a chord with those seeking to discover a deeper meaning to life.
Now in its 19th year, the Stella Artois St. Louis International Film Festival(SLIFF) is one of the largest international film festivals in the United States. SLIFF showcases the best in cutting-edge features and shorts from around the globe. The majority of the more than 300 films screened – many of them critically lauded award-winners – will receive their only St. Louis exposure at the festival. More than 70 filmmaking guests will accompany screenings, and SLIFF will present major awards to Stacy Keach, Harry Shearer, Rob Nilsson, Stanley Nelson, and Jenna Fischer.
Related[1] Excerpt from Ten Thousand Flower-Flames, Part 98 by Sri CHinmoy
Songs of the Soul European Tour
Musicians from the Sri Chinmoy Centre have been taking part in a concert tour across the Netherlands, France and the British Isles.

The Songs of the Soul concerts feature a range of musical interpretations from the music of Sri Chinmoy.

Groups who performed included Ghandarva Loka, Temple-Song-Hearts, Paree's International group, Arthada and friends and an international ensemble arranged by Sahadeva.

The tour has played to packed-out venues in Amsterdam, Paris, Oxford and Bristol. At the weekend the tour moves onto Dublin and then finishing in London on November 11th.

Many members of the public have offered comments for how much they enjoyed the concert.
"Thank you so much for this concert. It was very beautiful, exquisite!"
"Hello I have just returned home after a joyous evening at St Georges (Bristol), listening to the heavenly sounds of the singers and musicians performing some of Sri Chinmoy's beautiful songs. It was a remarkable and uplifting evening; so wonderful to see the sparkle of joy on the smiling faces and shining eyes of all the performers...."
Read more and more photos at Songs of the Soul