Latest news and features
Interviews With Centre Members
In these recent editions of Life Voices, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre talk about some of the activities and ideas that inspire them.

- Gunthita talks about her experience in a 12 hour walk and singing with her music group Mountain Silence. Gunthita on Life Voices
- Mandu Trummer a great musician from Linz discusses his outlook on life. Mandu on Life Voices
Life Voices is produced by Kedar Misani from Zurich Switzerland. A new episode is published on the 13th of every month. Life Voices at Sri Chinmoy TV
World Gratitude Day
Today, September 21st is World Gratitude Day
"...Gratitude in the inner world is nothing but self-expansion. It is through self-expansion that we become aware of our true reality, which is Infinity itself. Your contribution to the world at large, to the inner world especially, is momentous. As a seeker, I know that there is nothing on earth as valuable and significant as gratitude. In God's Eye there is nothing more meaningful and precious than man's gratitude. Therefore, to you, to the illumining soul in you, I wish to offer my boundless and ever-growing gratitude..."
- Sri Chinmoy speaking on gratitude from A Seekers Mind
Poems on Gratitude at Sri Chinmoy Poetry
Music From Celebrations
In August, students of Sri Chinmoy meet in New York for the birthday celebrations of Sri Chinmoy. At these gatherings groups of students perform spiritual music composed by Sri Chinmoy.
This is a selection of music from these gatherings.
Music From August Celebrations Part 2 Music From August Celebrations Part 1World's Largest Lollipop
August 27, 2009. On the occasion of Sri Chinmoy's birth anniversary, New Yorker Ashrita Furman unveiled the world's largest lollipop with a weight of 6,706 pounds (3041 kg). It surpasses the previous Guinness World Record for a giant lollipop by almost 2,000 pounds (907 kg). Ashrita Furman, holder of the most Guinness records, was the architect behind the feat accompanied by an international team of over 25 assistants.

World's Largest Lollipop - Photo by Jowan Gauthier
The 6,706 pound (3041 kg) lollipop is 10 feet (3 m) in diameter and 10 inches (25 cm) thick. The huge red candy is made of sugar and corn syrup, which was melted in hundred 100-gallon (380 litre) pots. Including the stick it has the height of 25 feet (7.50 m). This size ensures Ashrita Furman a new entry into the Guinness Book, because the previous largest lollipop was 4,759 pounds (2158 kg).
To put it in perspective this single lollipop would be the equivalent of 165,070 regular-sized lollipops!

Ashrita at work - Photo by Jowan Gauther
Created in his Queens, New York neighborhood, the giant lollipop was hoisted into the air briefly on Sri Chinmoy's birth anniversary, August 27th, 2009. Onlookers included some of the 1,500 visitors from 50 countries gathered in New York to observe Sri Chinmoy's birth anniversary. The lollipop's colourful happy birthday message to Sri Chinmoy together with a reproduction of one of Sri Chinmoy's soul bird drawings came into view as the lollipop lifted into the air.
In honour of Sri Chinmoy's birthday, Ashrita dedicated the record to the late philosopher, poet and athlete who inspired him and humanity with his weightlifting world records and the World Harmony Run. "We know Sri Chinmoy for his compassion, kindness and sweetness and for that reason we are celebrating his birthday by making the largest lollipop," commented Ashrita.
Airborne - Photo by Sharani Robins
Ashrita has set Guinness World Records on Sri Chinmoy's birthday on several occasions. In 2005 and 2008, he set a record for the most lit candles on a cake. In 2007, he dedicated the world's largest pencil to Sri Chinmoy. 2006 saw the creation of the largest popcorn sculpture and in 2004 he set a record for the largest flower bouquet.
Songs of Soul Concert NY
On 28th August, a variety of performers and guest musicians offered two consecutive Songs of the Soul concerts in honour of the musical legacy of Sri Chinmoy.
The music played was all composed by Sri Chinmoy, but had a range of interpretations, from the dynamic and energising Ghandava Loka Orchestra, to the beautiful singing of Mountain Silence
Gandharva Loka Orchestra
Roberta Flack
Madan Shankar Mishra
Shambhu Vineberg and Viddyut Ballmer
Sahadeva's group
Members of Orchestra
Mountain Silence
Comments on Concert
"An amazing concert, a meditative experience full of warmth and grace. All performances were spectacular, and I especially appreciated seeing Roberta Flack who's performance I'd been trying to track down for years. Thank you for this gift."
- See all comments and leave comment if you visited the concert
- More Photos of Concert
Karteek Completes 10 Channel Crossings
Karteek Clarke, a member of the Edinburgh Sri Chinmoy Centre, completed his 10th successful crossing of the English Channel this August 13th. After facing difficult weather conditions, which left him feeling seasick and tired, Karteek completed the epic crossing in a time of 16 hours 59 minutes.

Karteek Looking across the Channel before his crossing
Karteek completed his first successful channel swim in 1997. Since that year, despite the many challenges of channel swimming, he has been repeatedly drawn back to try another channel crossing. He joins an elite group of people who have managed more than one crossing. In total, only around 1,000 people have successfully swum the English Channel - compared to around 4,000 people who have climbed Mount Everest.
Interviewed by the Scotsman, Karteek said his practice of yoga and meditation, under the tutelage of his teacher Sri Chinmoy, helped give the inner strength necessary for such a difficult endeavour.
Related"...I keep going back to hone my meditation skills as our Sri Chinmoy teacher encourages us to undertake these tasks to promote self-discipline. Like most brands of yoga, the aim is to silence the restless mind and purge it of negative thoughts. After about six hours in the water, you're cold, wet and miserable, but it starts to become quite exhilarating..."
- Channel Swimming Page at Sri Chinmoy Races
- Article at Edinburg Evening News
Daily Poem of the Day
13th Finish at 3100 Mile Race
Yesterday, Suprabha Beckjord completed her 13th 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race finishing the distance in a time of 60 days+08:58:51.
She was the final finisher of this year’s event. Making 11 finishers out of the 13 starters. The race was won by Asprihanal Aalto.

Suprabha Finishes 2009 edition of 3100 Mile Race. Photo by Alakananda
Suprabha is the only female athlete to complete the race and the only runner to complete all 13 editions. Her total distance in the last 13 races is a staggering 40,302.226 miles/ 64,622.160 km. Which is close to running twice around the world. When not running the 3100 mile race, Suprabha owns a small gift shop in Washington D.C.
Meditation Classes in New York
The New York Sri Chinmoy Centre offer free meditation classes throughout the year. Recently, a new course was offered in Manhattan. Over 200 people attended the course which taught beginners the basics of meditation.

NY Manhattan - meditation class
My meditation Is my soul's Soundless sound-conversation With my Inner Pilot.
- Sri Chinmoy
Sri Chinmoy's Path of Meditation
Sri Chinmoy's path of meditation shares many similarities with other types of meditation. In particular Sri Chinmoy teaches the benefit of meditating in the spiritual heart. Sri Chinmoy feels if people could leave the mind and enter into the heart, then it is much easier to quell the restless thoughts which usually disturb our mind.
"You must direct your full, intense concentration on the heart. You must feel that you are not the mind. You have to feel that you are growing into the heart. You are only the heart and nothing else."
- Sri Chinmoy [The Mind and the Heart ]
Related- New York Meditation website
Record Breaker Keeps setting New Records
Ashrita Furman of Queens, New York continues to set more Guinness World records as he enters the Record books for holding 100 simultaneous Guinness World records. Since his first successful record back in 1979, Ashrita has broken 237 official Guiness World Records.
Recent records include, most M&Ms (40) eaten in one minute with chopsticks, record for poem translated into the most languages (111) and fastest skipping mile.
Ashrita credits his record breaking capacity to studying meditation under the tutelage of his spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy.
Related ArticlesRecord Breaker - article in Daily Telegraph
A Day in the Life - article at New York Times
New Sri Chinmoy Songs Site
A new version of the Sri Chinmoy Songs site has been developed. - www.srichinmoysongs.com
Sri Chinmoy composed over 20,000 songs during his lifetime. The website will be an online collection of the music scores, translations and audio recordings of the songs.
Sri Chinmoy's songs reflect different aspects of the spiritual life and are devotional in nature. Sri Chinmoy also translated over 2,400 of his Bengali songs into devotional poetry. - Garden of Love - Light
Dublin Joy Weekend
Members of the British, French and Irish Sri Chinmoy Centres met up in an old stately house on the outskirts of Dublin for a weekend of meditation, fun and music.

Four way tug of war with referee trying to get out of way
Activities included a two mile race, advertised by our Irish hosts as 'fast and downhill'. Well actually the first mile was fast and downhill, but the second mile led to a few slower times than usual....

Dublin photo
The Irish are well known for organising some great games and this weekend was no exception. They included "dragon's tale"
a memory game, a four-way tug-of-war and the fill-a-jugfull- of-water-from-the-fountain relay using a cup with a hole in it!

Lowering helium stick
Lowering a helium stick is much harder than it looks....
3100 Mile Race Nears Finish
Despite, heavy rain during this summer, seven runners have already completed the epic 3100 Mile Race Self Transcendence Race. The race was won for the sixth time by flying Finn, Asprihanal Aalto in a time of 43 days+16:28:06

Asprihanal on finishing race - photo by Jowan
Icelandic World Harmony Run
Recently, the World Harmony Run visited Iceland for a short run around the island. The World Harmony Run began on July 1st and finished on the 16th July in Reykjavík the capital of Iceland. The run passed through the great natural beauty of the island meeting many local people along the way.

Iceland World Harmony Run

World Harmony Run in Iceland
In Reykjavík, the run was greeted by local MPs and dignitaries such as Steingrímur Hermannsson, Prime Minister of Iceland (1983-1987 and again 1988-1991). Steingrímur Hermannsson had met with Sri Chinmoy on a few occasions and maintains a warm friendship and support for the World Harmony Run.
For full report and more details see Iceland World Harmony Run
World Service Plants
World Service Plants is an international program encouraging the protection and improvement of the environment by restoring degraded ecosystems by planting native or indigenous tree species. The photo below is taken in France where members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre took part in a programme of planting trees.

World Service Trees
Nature does not know
How to divide.
Nature only knows
How to unite
And multiply.
Excerpt from The Beginning And The Arriving by Sri Chinmoy (founder of World Service Plants)
- World Service Plants at Sri Chinmoy Centre
Images from the Race
The Self Transcendence 3100 Mile Race is an epic feat of running and self transcendence around a small 0.5488 mile loop in Queens New York. These are a few photos taken from this years edition of the race.

Running towards the Sun: Photo by Arpan

Rain. Photo by Alakananda
It's not always sunny. The early part of the race was marked by heavy downpours making the race more difficult for the runners.

A unique running course: Photo by Prabhakar
The 3100 Mile race is being run around a small loop (less than one mile) in Queens New York. The course is all on concrete, but some runners and helpers have brightened the course with flowers.

Suprabha (on right) : Photo by Jowan
Suprabha is the only female in this race and the only runner to complete all 12 editions of the race, since the 3100 mile race started in 1997. Video of Suprabha's experience in the race.

Helpers who prepare food for the runners: Photo by Utpal
. The leading runners are now on their last leg (with less than 1,000 miles left!)
- You can follow the race at: 3100 Mile Race
- Perfection Journey - 3100 Mile
- Race Gallery
New Centre Site
Recently, the Sri Chinmoy Centre website, www.srichinmoycentre.org received a new interface and design. The site is based on a content management system called Drupal and offers various new features.
The new site has been developed by various members of Vasudeva Server such as Nirbhasa, Manavasu, Petr Simicek and Tejvan.
They recently spent time in Prague where the Vasudeva Server Team worked on various projects such as the new Centre site. Other websites related to Sri Chinmoy will be having new designs and features shortly.
British French Harmony
Recently, a team of international runners ran from London to Paris as part of the global World Harmony run. The runners set off from Greenwich, London and ran down to Dover through Canterbury and the fields of Kent. After crossing the channel on the ferry. The run continued from Calais to Paris.

Greenwich Mean Time
The World Harmony Run Team visited many schools along the way.
The local school at Crevecoeu, France

Running Through the French Countryside
If you can create harmony
In your own life,
This harmony will enter
Into the vast world.
- Sri Chinmoy (founder of World Harmony Run)
Impossibility Challenger
The Impossibility Challenger World Record games are an opportunity for participants to engage in a variety of record attempts and challenges. The event is organised by the Sri Chinmoy Centre in Munich, Germany. The Impossibility Challenger offers individuals the opportunity for self-transcendence in numerous ways.

Ripping Telephone Book

Milan Roskopf juggling with three chainsaws - Don't Try this at Home...

Chasing record for Skipping on Stilts
If we believe
In our own
Then there can be
No unreachable goal.
- Sri Chinmoy
- Impossibility Challenger at Sri Chinmoy Races
Start of 3100 Mile Race 2009
The 14th edition of the 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race - the world's longest certified road race - began today in Queens, NY.

Start of 2009 Self Transcendence Races
- Daily Results
- 3100 Mile Race - Daily Blog at 3100 Mile Race
- Daily Video Blog by Utpal from Perfection Journey.
- 3100 Mile Race at Multidays
- The Day Before.
- The Beginning of the Great Journey Start
Photo by Jowan from 3100 Mile Sri Chinmoy Center Galleries