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6 and 10 Day Self Transcendence Race 2008
Photo at the start of 6 and 10 Day Race, organised by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team which began on April 23rd 2008.
The 6 and 10 Day race has been organised for several years by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team. This year it is held in Flushing meadows park, near to the Tennis compound used in the US Open.
The 6 and 10 Day race is not so much a competition against others. But, offers an unique chance for self-transcendence, where runners seek to transcend their own capacities.
Video of 6 Day Race
Video by Bhuvah.
6 Ten Day Links- Daily Results for 10 Day Race
- 6 and 10 Race at Sri Chinmoy Races
- Time for Plan B - The Race goes on in all conditions 'the weather isn't bad it's overwhelming' - article by Utpal
- Interview with Madhupran the current leader (after day 5 with an impressive 458 miles already). Madhupran, who once said he had retired from multiday running, explains why he was motivated to run to honor, Sri Chinmoy, the founder of the race.
- 2008 10 Day Race at Multidays
Concert for Sri Chinmoy
On Monday May 19th, the legendary Russian musician Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov, will be performing with an international ensemble of musicians at the Royal Albert Hall. The concert is dedicated to Maestro Sri Chinmoy.
Some of the Other Musicians who will be playing with BG include:
- Flautist Brian Finnegan and bodhrán player John Joe Kelly from award-winning Anglo-Irish band Flook. John-Joe has been described as "the best bodhrán player in the known universe"
- Sitar player Sheema Mukherjee, who learnt her art from the Indian legends Pandit Nikhil Bannerjee and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan...
- Sarangi player Maria Pomianowska - a multi instrument maestro equally adept at playing Eastern instruments and those of her native Poland.
- More on the Musicians who will be performing in the concert
Since meeting Sri Chinmoy in Feb 2006, Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov has developed a close relationship with Sri Chinmoy. There was a mutual appreciation between two kindred musical spirits. Purushottama, meaning "the one who is beyond all limitations", is a spiritual name given by Sri Chinmoy. During his life in the West, Sri Chinmoy was also a prolific musician performing in over 800 concerts, including 6 at the Royal Albert Hall.
After first meeting Sri Chinmoy, Purushottama composed a song in honour of Sri Chinmoy, called "There are birds in the Garden". Listen: "There are Birds in the Garden"
In September 2007, he performed a concert at the United Nations building in New York, a concert which Sri Chinmoy introduced. Listen to full performance at United Nations...
In this interview at Sri Chinmoy TV, Purushottama explains how meditation has inspired his musical output.
Interview with Boris Grebenshikov
Press play to start video (bottom left) needs Apple quick Time
- For details of Concert and to obtain free tickets visit Grebenshikov Concert
Earlier in the Month, a similar concert - Songs of the Soul was offered in New York, by many musicians including Philip Glass, Roberta Flack, Steve Gorn and Samir Chatterjee.
Start of US World Harmony Run
The American World Harmony Run began on April 10th, 2008.
The Torch, which will travel around the US, was symbolically lifted in front of the Statue of Liberty, New York. Sudhahota Carl Lewis was on hand to light the torch and run around the base of the statue.
Eric S Peterson gave a short address about the World Harmony Run and the symbolic importance of the Statue of Liberty, an important symbol of hope for the world. Peterson, closed with the words of World Harmony Run founder, Sri Chinmoy
"O Polestar Statue of Liberty!
Earth-heart's pinnacle-Divinity.
America's proudest Vision-pride-
Her Beauty's cosmos-fragrance-ride-
Freedom-smile-bestower is your Soul.
Nectar-flooded Goal."
The runners, from many different countries, then ran a short distance of 4 miles to Dag Hammarskjold plaza outside the United Nations for the official opening ceremony.
Many people came to offer their good wishes for the World Harmony Run, before its epic travails through the US. Some of those who came to offer support for the run included: Billie Jean King, New York philanthropist Russell Simmons, Sister Madonna Buder, first lady of New York Diana Taylor and many others who kindly offered musical tributes.
For more details on the launch of the International World Harmony run, visit here: International Launch of World Harmony Run
44 Years in the West
April 13th, 2008, marked the 44th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy's arrival in the West. Sri Chinmoy arrived in New York, USA on April 13th 1964.
2008, was also the first celebration since Sri Chinmoy's mahasamadhi in October 2007.
To commemorate the arrival of Sri Chinmoy in the West, for many years, disciples have taken part in a 12 hour race walk. I believe in earlier years, Sri Chinmoy himself took part in the 12 hour walk.
Many of Sri Chinmoy's students were in New York for the celebrations. Also, those from other countries who could not travel, took part in events in their own countries. For example, disciples in Mongolia arranged a 12 hour walk, with 45 people participating.
Mongolia 12 Hour WalkSee more photos at Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries
Utpal Marshall gives an account of celebrations through his blog post on Departures Day
Picture top by: Sharani
Running Inspiration
Arpan Deangelo shares some reminiscences of Sri Chinmoy's running career at his new running blog
Sri Chinmoy took up long distance running in the 1970s when he was in his mid 40s. In his formative years, Sri Chinmoy had excelled in the 100 metre sprint, but, in America he took up long distance running and spent many hours training around his home in Jamaica Queens. These experiences formed the basis of a series of books called Run and Become. Sri Chinmoy describes one of many running experiences:
Today one of the disciples was telling me that he met a very good runner while running in Flushing Meadow Park. This man had told the disciple that he often sees me running and that he thought I was a sub-three-hour marathoner because I was so thin and I looked like I was in such good shape. The disciple was very polite and told the runner that I was hoping to break three and a half hours in the New York Marathon. He didn't tell him my previous bullock-cart marathon times.
Other Running LinksSri Chinmoy's Running - Part 1 of an article on Running by Arpan
- Sri Chinmoy Races
- All About Running - Running Tips by Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team by Shane Magee.
New Record For Pushing Car
Ashrita Furman of Queens, New York set a new Guinness world record for pushing a car. The previous record was 12 miles, but Ashrita managed to increase the distance to 17 miles.
Ashrita pushing a Ford Festiva along Old Bridge Township Raceway Park on March 6th.
Source of photo and article on Ashrita's record.Ashrita has currently 80 Guiness world records and has broken over 180 records since he stated breaking records in the 1970s.
Ashrita credits his ability to set new records due to teaching meditation under the tutelage of his spiritual teacher Sri Chinmoy. In particular it is a philosophy of self-transcendence that encourages Ashrita to try and transcend limits - both mental and physical.
Ashrita's record attempts are not always successful; for every successful record there are near misses and failed attempts. In his latest blog post, Ashrita recounts an interesting experience with Tabasco sauce. - Humility comes in a small bottle
2008 WHR promises to be the biggest and best ever
All across the world, plans are at an advanced stage to make the 2008 incarnation of the World Harmony Run an absolutely gigantic event. Already the run has made its way through South East Asia and the Middle East, and is currently in north Africa.
The European leg of the Run will begin in Rome at the end of March, and will visit over 50 countries on its route. Among the many events planned will be Guinness World record attempts in Dublin, Ireland and Cambridge, England.
The US run will begin on April 10 and cover all 50 states in a four month journey. At the end of April, the Oceania leg of the Harmony Run will embark upon an unprecedented journey around Australia, before continuing its journey in New Zealand in September. There will also be Canadian and Russian legs of the Run - making it an event which truly spans the globe.
You can catch up on the recent news at www.worldharmonyrun.org
World's Largest Pencil Moves to St Louis
This August a team of builders, under the direction of Ashrita Furman, built the world's largest pencil. Measuring 76 feet, the pencil was built to maintain the exact proportions of a standard pencil. You can read about the pencil's building here
The Guiness Record Breaking pencil was built to honour Sri Chinmoy's 76th birthday
The Pencil has been lying in Jamaica, Queens, but has now found a home at a museum in St Louis.
The pencil is so large it showed up on satellite screens, prompting a visit by local police officers; they were relieved to find it was a giant pencil, rather than a missile!
Bob Cassilly, the founder of the St Louis City Museum said he was happy to take the unusual pencil. He said: "We're sort of like opportunists and we don't have a plan, the museum just grows organically by whatever goes our way."
The pencil had to be cut in half to be transported
Recent Events
The World Harmony Run visited the Dominican Republic for its last event of 2007.
The Run, visited two schools including the Ann Y Ted Kheel Polytechnical School and Punta Cana international school, home to more than 26 different nationalities
View: World Harmony Run in the Dominican Republic
News of a Sri Chinmoy Harmony Bridge between Austria and Slovenia
On the bridge is a plaque in Austrian and Slovenian that this bridge is dedicated to harmony between the two countries
World Harmony Run 2007
On 3rd November, the World Harmony Run held a local event in Jamaica, New York. The short run began at Aspiration Ground, Jamaica, NY and visited a local school, New Dawn elementary. The school had helped organise a community event around the run.
For more details and photos visit - World Harmony Run.
A Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy
30 October 2007, United Nations, New York
(United Nations, New York) Leaders from six different religions offer the opening silence at the Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy.
(For more details: see photo caption at bottom)
I have known Sri Chinmoy for two decades while representing Bangladesh at the United Nations and also while serving in the world body. My family, my wife—who is present here—and I have always received his unending love and affection. I was deeply touched by his continuing prayer and hope for the progress of Bangladesh, the country in which his birthplace is located. I have joined Sri Chinmoy in many of his inspirational activities. I have been in his presence during his meditation sessions, when he encouraged inner and outer silence, and I have felt his own sincerity and peace within. His vision of a “oneness-world of peace” within each individual and for humanity at large has been most enriching and empowering for me.
It has been an honour for me to know him. I believe his Himalayan dedication and commitment to peace deserve to remain with us forever in the life of each one of us, inspiring us to work for creating the culture of peace that is so much the need of our time. That would be the international community’s everlasting recognition of his dedicated service for humanity. He would live in our hearts and in our endeavours for a peaceful world. (Link to full text)
A Representative of the Sri Chinmoy Centre, read a letter from President Mikhail Gorbachev dated 12 October 2007:With deep regret I have learned that my long-term close friend, the friend of my family and of our Foundation, Sri Chinmoy passed away yesterday. This is a heavy loss not only for all his dear ones, friend, numerous disciples – this is a loss for the whole world. For many years of his selfless work for the sake of peace, Sri Chinmoy has gained recognition and love in the farthest corners of our planet. (Read Full Text)
His Excellency Ambassador Hjálmar Hannesson, the Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations:As the leader of the Peace Meditations at the UN, and through his many statements and writings, there is ample evidence of his deep belief in what the UN stands for. His spirit lives on. We are grateful and joyful for what he has given the world, and what he dedicated his life to. It was, indeed, a great journey. [Read Full Text]
Her Excellency Ambassador Ismat Jahan, the Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh:His life is one of perfect manifestation of ingenuity, be it in the field of music, poetry, literature, painting or sports, or in the domain of meditation, which he practised and taught as a source-force for all accomplishments. I recall with profound reverence his 37 years of service to the United Nations and its extended global family, which earned him the respect and recognition of many all across the world.. [Read full text]
His Excellency Ambassador Crispin Gregoire, the Permanent Representative of the Commonwealth of Dominica:He will be remembered as a man who committed his life to the universal pursuit of peace. He saw in the UN—and it is very fitting that we have this celebration here, because he spent so much time here—he saw in the UN the focal point in the world for the promotion of peace. And that is why I believe that he made the UN a base for his peace meditations. [Read Full text]
His Excellency Ambassador Milton Nathaniel Barnes, the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Liberia:My dear friends, when a friend, a loved one, a Sri Chinmoy dies, it gives us the opportunity to reflect. We reflect on his life and the legacy of his life: his legacy of creativity, his legacy of peace, his legacy of leadership. And it establishes the example that we all must aspire to, especially those of us here at this institution that pursues peace. [Read Full text]
Statement dated 27 October 2007 from H.E. Ambassador Vladimir Petrovsky, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union (1986-1991; UN Under-Secretary-General and Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva (1992-2002; and Chairman, Comprehensive Dialogue among Civilizations (read by Mr. Adhiratha Keefe, UNFPA Staff Member):Sri Chinmoy was convinced that true outer peace had to start with the inner peace of the individual. He has expressed this philosophy of peace in countless books, songs and paintings. His creative works, together with his multifarious peace-initiatives like the humanitarian relief operations, the Peace Concerts and the World Harmony Run represent an immense source of inspiration, wisdom, strength and practical guidance to people of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds. I regard Sri Chinmoy's work as one of the real treasures of the 20th and 21st century probably the most powerful pillar of a culture of peace that currently exists. [Read Full text]
Letter dated 27 October 2007 from President Pratibha Devisingh Patil, the President of the Republic of India (read by Ms. Nilima Silver, UN Secretariat Staff Member):The passing away of Sri Chinmoy is a loss of a famous spiritual teacher and scholar. His life was dedicated to working for peace and harmony. Having deep faith in the potential of the human spirit, he drew from India’s spiritual past to bring out the best of the East and the West and the old and the new. [Read Full text]
Daw Aye Aye Thant, daughter of Secretary-General U Thant; Founder and President of the U Thant Institute; and recipient of the U Thant Peace Award from Sri Chinmoy:As life and death are beyond our control, we have to believe that he will always be with us, and his memory will keep on giving strength and comfort throughout our lives. In the truest sense, his life represented the best thought, most far-reaching vision and outstanding artistic and practical accomplishments. [Read Full text]
Congressman Benjamin Arthur Gilman, United States Representative from New York from 1973 to 2003; and Chairman of the House International Relations Committee, 1995-2000:My wife Georgia and I consider it an honour and privilege to be able to participate with all of you on this occasion, celebrating the life of this great leader; the outstanding achievements and inspirational leadership of Sri Chinmoy’s devotion to peace; his continual building of bridges for a world free of hostility and for world progress; and his staunch support of our United Nations. [Read Full text]
New York City Councilman, Mr. James Gennaro:We are very special, all of us; we are very special and fortunate for having known him, for having loved him, and to have been loved by him. And we can do so much. We can do so much with the love that he so abundantly showered upon us. So, let us commit ourselves to spending the rest of our days giving to others the love that he gave to us. This is the way to truly celebrate Sri Chinmoy’s life and to show our gratitude for all that he did for us, and for so many. [Read Full text]
New York City Councilman David Weprin:I think it was really appropriate that he had made such a tremendous presence in Queens County. Queens County, of course, was one of the first locations of the United Nations. In a quiet way, he had a tremendous following, obviously throughout the world. I was at the funeral services and the wake after his passing, and people came to Queens County from all over the world to pay their respects. I just think it was appropriate that his home was a small little place in Briarwood, Queens, but he made such a tremendous impact on the world. [Read Full text]
New York City Councilmen James Gennaro and David Weprin offer City Council Proclamation to the Sri Chinmoy Centre [Link to text of Proclamation] Ms. Tegla Loroupe, UN Ambassador for Sport and Peace; President of the Tegla Loroupe Peace Foundation; and two-time marathon world record holder:Our brother was ambassador of peace and harmony. The world lost a great man. Our sports family will miss him. I met Sri Chinmoy here in the United Nations when I was given the Abebe Bikila Award. He was the one who handed the award to me. And since then, he became my close father and friend. Dear friends, God has taken His son. He has finished his mission in this world. But he left something for us; he left the work for us; we have to continue and to carry the work that he started. [Read Full text]
Mr. Lowell Flanders, former President of the United Nations Staff Union and Assistant Director of the Division for Sustainable Development:Sri Chinmoy, by the example of his life, provided a vision and hope for a better, more peaceful world, a world sustained by a community of nations and peoples dedicated to the equality and well-being of all, not only in a physical sense, but in a spiritual sense as well. That inner peace could radiate and transform the world around us was an article of faith for Sri Chinmoy. At a time when the world is increasingly racked by violence and strife, the message and example of Sri Chinmoy provide a wellspring of inspiration. His commitment to the United Nations and the ideal of international cooperation and friendship between nations must be shared and built upon by all of us, since, as he believed, world peace must start in the hearts of each and every one of us. [Read Full text]
Ms. Muriel Frohman, former Chief of Protocol of the New York Road Runners Club, and Liaison with the UN for the International Friendship Run:Sri Chinmoy showed many the way to inner peace and to a high sense of humanity. Imagine if such peace and humanity could be experienced manifold by people at all levels of all governments, so that someday international discourse would be conducted only by humane and peaceful people. What a wonderful world that would be! That was his dream that must never die.
It has been said that one life ends with one death. But in his single death, he did not take with him all of his virtues. His good has not been interred with his bones. It remains here on earth, not only with you who have knelt at his feet, but it will live as well in the minds and hearts of men and women everywhere, and in children yet unborn, forever. [Read Full text]
His Excellency Mr. Vijay Nambiar, Under-Secretary-General and UN Chef de CabinetGuru-ji Sri Chinmoy was far greater than an enlightened individual. He has been and remains an extraordinary phenomenon that has touched the daily lives of his devotees in many unusual ways. He has inspired us to change the way we look at ourselves and at the world. With his mild manner and incredible physical and mental strength, he literally uplifted us and brought steadfastness and stability to our daily lives. At the United Nations, we were specially blessed because of his weekly visits, when we received his regular benedictions. [Read Full text]
The Meditation Group Choir sang two songs composed by Sri Chinmoy: one song in his native Bengali, Tomare Rakhibo, and one song in English, UN: Sun-Vision-Plan, dedicated to the United Nations.
Ms. Claxton: No matter what our personal beliefs are, today we share in common our loss. This loss is tempered with the joy we all share, the very personal joy of having known this remarkable man. We hope that each of you can find solace in the words of Sri Chinmoy himself. The evening before he died, Sri Chinmoy said that he considered himself above all a Student of Peace. We honour him in carrying that legacy forward. And the last poem, which has affected so many of us so clearly, published just before his passing, reads: “My physical death is not the end of my life—I am an eternal journey.” All guests received a programme; [pdf of programme] a commemorative booklet, [pdf of commemorative booklet]with tributes, as well as 37 aphorisms by Sri Chinmoy on peace and the United Nation; a miniature 2008 calendar with aphorisms by Sri Chinmoy; and a cookie in the shape of a peace dove. Photo Top(United Nations, New York) Leaders from six different religions—Buddhism, Christianity, Indigenous religious traditions, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism—offer the opening moment of silence at the Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy.
From left to right are:- The Ven. Ashin Indaka, Chief Monk of the Mahasi Meditation Retreat Center Association
- The Very Rev. James Parks Morton, Founder of the Interfaith Center of New York and Dean Emeritus of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
- Nana Boakyewa Yiadom I, Queen of Adamorobe, Aburi-Akuapem (Ghana)
- Swami Amarnathananda, Head Monk of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
- Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, President of the Sufi Order International
- Maggid Yitzhak Buxbaum, Director, Jewish Spirit.
Selected Comments V
Photo By: Ranjit Swanson,
Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries
What a sad thing to happen to such a great man. I hope one day he will be awarded the Nobel Price. I believe that the best way to remember him is to maintain the Harmony Torch Run all over the world.
Frank Macha, Sports Development Officer
Ministry of Information, Culture and Sports, Tanzania
I am very sorry to know of the passing on of Sri Chinmoy. He has done so much to awaken mankind to the higher paths of life that can bring harmony and peace. You are all dedicated to the cause which has to continue for the good of mankind.
Swami Nirliptanda
Bharat Sevashram Sangha, London, UK.
Hari Om!
The good old Yoga Masters are dead and gone today.
Beloved Sri Chinmoy was one of the last of the old Rishis from India. Old Narayananandaji (1902-1988) from The RamaKrishna mission, and Chinmoy (1931-2007), were the 2 best yoga teachers I have ever met personally. Chinmoy was a great musician too. We saw him in Oslo Norway two times.
God bless you people out there!
Long live the memory of Sri Chinmoy.
A very peaceful man with a good condition…
Om Tat Sat…
Shiva Nataraja brahmachari
Ram DevineniHe was a gentle man with enormous strength. I had the wonderful opportunity to hear his poetry and see his drawings. His spirit will live on in all of us.
Dearest Revered Guruji,
When you lifted me up on Nov ‘03 in Singapore,
I was inspired to perform in Raga Revathi a piece titled, “Manida Janmam”. After performing it on my Bansuri (flute) and having realised that the melody came not just through my fingers but from my heart instead. it was a radical change showered from YOU, the divine grace. You then lifted both my late mother (my source of inspiration in my musical journey) and myself again. How fortunate indeed I am to get this rarest opportunity by YOU who gave me an ‘ode to joy’ to perform every time now from my heart. You not only being a great Guru, but all the human being in the highest sense of the term, much above and much nobler and who is the symbol of the glory of human life ~ Dearest Guruji, I’ve realised the devotion and dedication to music even more absolute self-surrender as my music is Thine.
Revered Guruji, as you attain Maha Samadhi, I shall venture further my musical journey with Thy Guidance and continue my humanitarian service to mankind that am always eagerly aspire to do so. That same Revathy piece which I performed in front of you was dedicated to you along with my senior students during the 9-day Dassera Festival in various temples here as my tribute to YOU.
Hi! Although I only meditated with Sri Chinmoy in the early 1970’s for a short time he left me with a strong impression of his Samadhi states. Now he is blended into the World Soul and returned to the Source of All. Ashk (Spiritual Love) to All.
Sheikh Majid Buell al Mevlevi ar Rifai.
I was very surprised to hear of Guru Sri Chinmoy’s Mahasamadhi.I personally met him on 14th sept 2007 at New York.He told me “Everyone's contribution makes the world more beautiful”. I believe his presence everywhere.
Adrish brahmadatta
I have dipped into Sri Chinmoy’s daily readings for years now - the quality and subtlety of his mind never ceases to amaze me. His life was an inspiration to so many. A great soul has passed.
Sandra Kyle
My brother and I live in Cyprus and are not disciples of Sri Chinmoy. In 1981 we attended a group meditation in Queens New York. The Guru had just come back from his Christmas holidays. During the meditation he gave us the MOST important experience of our lives. A wave of light from his third eye filled the room, entered our bodies, our minds, our souls. It cleansed us and filled us with so much love. We felt like balloons filled with love. We think he gave us a glimpse of enlightenment. We loved everybody and everything. We felt so much full of wisdom. We even knew what infinity is. Our lives have never been the same since then. We still have his photos in our house and often pray to him. My father who is sick in hospital also has his photo by his bed. We never saw Sri Chinmoy since then but we both agree he was the most important person we ever happened to meet. Sri Chinmoy, even though we were not your disciples we love you and we want to thank you for everything. George and Petros, Cyprus
George & Petros Petropoulos
I received Initiation from Guru back in the early 1970’s!
Even though I did not remain at the Center, Guru’s influence has been the bed-rock of my spiritual existence.
I recognized him immediately when First I saw him.
We never understand what we have until it is no longer available.
Sri Chinmoy’s Spirit must indeed, be eternal!
Other Selected Comments: Other Tributes at Sri Chinmoy.orgPhoto By: Ranjit Swanson, Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries
United Nations Community Celebrates Life of Sri Chinmoy
(New York, October 30) – More than 700 UN leaders, ambassadors and luminaries from many walks of life and faiths gathered inside the United Nations Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the life and work of Sri Chinmoy, the world harmony leader, spiritual teacher and humanitarian who died at age 76 on October 11th in New York City.
View: More information
Photo: Leaders from six different religions offer the opening silence at the celebration of the life and work of Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations (more details of participants)
Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations
(United Nations, New York) Leaders from six different religions offer the opening silence at the Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy. (For more details: see photo caption at bottom)
Contact: +1 347 968 9417
Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations
New York – More than 700 UN leaders, ambassadors and luminaries from many walks of life and faiths gathered inside the United Nations Tuesday afternoon to celebrate the life and work of Sri Chinmoy, the world harmony leader, spiritual teacher and humanitarian who died at age 76 on October 11th in New York City. He dedicated his life to sowing the seeds of peace and harmony inside the hearts and lives of people throughout the globe.
The UN programme, which was held in one of the main meeting halls, was a soul-stirring tribute to Sri Chinmoy’s 37 years of leading the twice-weekly Peace Meditation at the United Nations, which he founded at the invitation of the third UN Secretary-General U Thant in 1970. Leaders from six major faiths—Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism and Indigenous religious traditions—opened the ceremony with a minute of silence, including the Very Rev. James Parks Morton, head of the Interfaith Center of New York and Dean Emeritus of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, and Pir Zia Inayat Khan, head of the Sufi Order International.
Many UN ambassadors and officials as well as Aye Aye Thant, daughter of the third UN Secretary-General and President of the U Thant Institute, also paid tribute to
Sri Chinmoy’s work, starting with keynote speaker Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, longtime Under-Secretary-General at the United Nations, plus a dear friend of Sri Chinmoy and fellow Bengali:
“In Sri Chinmoy, the world has lost a great man of peace. President Nelson Mandela wrote in his tribute, and I quote, ‘Today, the world is a lesser place as I recall his lifetime of service to humanity in the great cause of world peace.’ The outpouring of messages from all parts of the globe reflects this loss so sincerely
“Sri Chinmoy is a man of the highest spiritual stature, and internationally recognised as the true global Ambassador of Peace. The universal nature of his philosophy embraced and encouraged people of all backgrounds, faiths and nationalities to work together for peace. He is the finest example of a person who has a true vision of peace and one who has untiringly and selflessly inspired peace all over the world.”
Mr. Vijay Nambiar, Chef de Cabinet to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, spoke during the ceremony, stating: “I am sure I represent the Secretary-General when I express my profound respect and gratitude to Sri Chinmoy for his contribution to the building up of inner peace in the United Nations as in the world at large.”
Lord Malloch Brown, former UN Deputy Secretary-General and now Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the United Kingdom, wrote that “Sri Chinmoy reached out to so many in the UN. In the UN we felt the force of his love for us. However difficult the moment, he never lost faith in the UN and those who worked in it. He brought courage and support to so many individuals in our organization but also his voice and prayer to those who led it. A man of the spiritual life, he understood the need for the UN in the material world if the two were ever to find justice and harmony.” UN Ambassadors and officials over the years have participated in a number of programmes organized by Sri Chinmoy, including the World Harmony Run, the world’s largest relay for peace involving millions of participants in 140 nations since 1987. Many UN delegations have been involved in the work of Sri Chinmoy’s humanitarian relief organization, The Oneness-Heart-Tears and Smiles, which has collected and distributed millions of dollars of medical supplies throughout Asia and Africa. Sri Chinmoy also brought his wide-ranging cultural activities to the UN. Over the years he gave dozens of free Peace Concerts there, and exhibited his colourful paintings and selections from his millions of “Dream-Freedom-Peace-Bird” drawings. Among the tributes received from world leaders, President Mikhail Gorbachev wrote: “This is a loss for the whole world. Through many years of his selfless work for the sake of peace, Sri Chinmoy has gained recognition and love in the farthest corners of our planet…In our hearts he will forever remain a man who dedicated his whole life to peace.” President Bill Clinton wrote: “Throughout his many years, Sri Chinmoy enriched the lives of countless others and served as a model of generosity and discipline to those he met, fostering an atmosphere of compassion, harmony, and unity. Sri Chinmoy was a leader, humanitarian, artist, athlete, and public servant who will be sorely missed. His legacy of kindness, reflection, and resolve will endure for many years to come.” Sri Chinmoy was born on August 27, 1931 in a small village in east India. Orphaned at the age of 11, Sri Chinmoy then lived with his six brothers and sisters at a spiritual community in southern India, where he spent the next 20 years in intense prayer and meditation. Heeding an inner call, he travelled to the United States in 1964 and made New York City his home. One unique aspect of his philosophy was that “the physical and the spiritual must go together.” A champion sprinter and decathlete in his youth, and later a marathon runner, Sri Chinmoy astounded sports heroes and luminaries through a weightlifting career which he began in 1985, at the age of 54. Sri Chinmoy credited God’s Grace which gave him inner peace for the ability to lift thousands, sometimes even tens of thousands of pounds. From cars to elephants to planes, Sri Chinmoy lifted almost every object imaginable in various styles of strongman lifts. “I have learned from Sri Chinmoy that the size of the arm does not make the man; the size of the heart makes the man,” said five-time Mr. Universe and Best Built Man of the 20th Century, Bill Pearl. “Nobody on earth has done what Sri Chinmoy has done.” Over 7,000 people continue to follow his philosophy through more than 300 Sri Chinmoy Centres worldwide that teach meditation and organise many of the global activities initiated and guided by Sri Chinmoy. Related Links- Programme from: A Celebration of the Life of Sri Chinmoy (Pdf document)
- A list of Tributes to Sri Chinmoy
- Press Release on the Passing of Sri Chinmoy
- Media Photos at Sri Chinmoy.org
- The Ven. Ashin Indaka, Chief Monk of the Mahasi Meditation Retreat Center Association
- The Very Rev. James Parks Morton, Founder of the Interfaith Center of New York and Dean Emeritus of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine
- Nana Boakyewa Yiadom I, Queen of Adamorobe, Aburi-Akuapem (Ghana)
- Swami Amarnathananda, Head Monk of the Bharat Sevashram Sangha of North America
- Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, President of the Sufi Order International
- Maggid Yitzhak Buxbaum, Director, Jewish Spirit.
Sri Chinmoy on the Mind and Heart
Sri Chinmoy wrote many poems and articles about the role of the mind and heart.
"Two instruments: mind and heart. The mind is division: world-division and self-division. World-division is nothing short of world-poverty. Self-division is the beginning of self-destruction. The heart is acceptance: acceptance of the inner life and acceptance of the outer life. The inner life is aspiration. The outer life is dedication."
- Sri Chinmoy
Excerpt from My Rose Petals, Part 5 by Sri Chinmoy "Two Instruments: Mind and Heart"
In this interview, Sri Chinmoy explains the difference between the mind-jungle and heart-garden.
This is a short video of an interview between Sri Chinmoy and Dr Russell Barber, former Religion and Ethics Editor at NBC-TV.Millennium interview Video's produced by Shambhu Ltd
Poetic Tributes
My Lord,
How I wish
To be with You
In Heaven!
Do you enjoy
Your Heavenly Rest?
View: "My Lord" By: Doris at Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Group
"Please forgive me, Father. I have no aspiration, no
Love-Devotion-Surrender today.""Aspiration? Love-Devotion-Surrender? Who cares for these things? Give
me whatever you have.""I'm sorry Master, but what I have today is nothing you want. Alas,
all I have today is my pathetic orphan-sorrow."
The Master Thief by Michael at Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Group
Bhagavan Sri Chinmoy:
Mother, Father, Friend and Advocate.
You came to the west in 1964.
At the request of Your Beloved Lord Supreme.
You taught:-The Spirituality of the East,
And the dynamism of the West, must go together;
That Matter has to be,
The conscious expression of the Spirit.
I bow to you in deep reverence.
Salutations to my Guru by Manatita
- See also: Two Recent poignant poems by Sri Chinmoy - two of Sri Chinmoy's last poems
- Tributes at Sri Chinmoy Centre
Photographic memories of our teacher
Some photo albums have appeared on the Sri Chinmoy Centre site remembering aspects of Sri Chinmoy's life in different ways:
This picture is taken from a lovely photo album called 'Beautiful Sri Chinmoy' by Jowan Gauthier which is exactly that - beautiful pictures taken of Sri Chinmoy from his trip to St. Petersburg and his visit to Mongolia which took place in May of this Year. There is also a photo album by Projjwal Pohland, who accompanied Sri Chinmoy on his last trip abroad to St. Petersburg and shares with us some beautiful photographs.
Above, Ranjit Swanson has put up photos remembering Sri Chinmoy from a very different perspective: these pictures are of the tiny village of Shakpura, where Sri Chinmoy was born in 1931. At that time it was part of India; it now lies in modern-day Bangladesh. We can see Sri Chinmoy in a few of these photographs, including one particularly touching one where he his paying his respects to his parents' grave - both of them passed away within months of each other when he was only twelve years old. The photos are compiled from various sources, but most of them are taken by Ranjit and his brother Unmesh. There are some photos of Sri Chinmoy looking at some of the photographs they brought back; here he is pointing to the house where he grew up as a child.
In addition, Kedar Misani has arranged some of the photographs he has taken of Sri Chinmoy over the last 20 years into a two-part slideshow called 'Aspects of an Eternal Journey', which can be viewed on srichinmoy.tv...
Selected Comments IV
Sri Chinmoy: Salutations and goodbye, for now.
Sri Chinmoy was a unique character who chose paths that had upbeat effects around the entire world.
Sri Chinmoy was productive in the expression of his talents. No one matched his artistic and physical output. Sri Chinmoy and his helpers did a unique service in the conduction of many long distance runs allowing many runners around the world to express themselves running. They have shown the world how it is done. They are unmatched.
Sri Chinmoy exploited the hours given to him. His time on earth is unforgettable among those who knew him.
We can remember and appreciate that Sri Chinmoy worked his many talents around the world, to be shared by many groups of people on the globe....
Ted Corbitt
New York Pioneer Club
(From one who appreciated the upgrade in peoples lives provided by Sri Chinmoy’s efforts.)
Edie Weinstein-Moser
In August of 1996, (in time for his 65th birthday) I had the honor of being invited to interview Sri Chinmoy at his center in NY and enjoy the lovingly prepared food at his restaurant called Annam Brahma. He was gracious and welcoming, with a delightful sense of humor, as a friend and I had driven 3 hours from our home in Bucks County, PA.
Some excerpts from the interview that still tickle me:
When he entered the room, I recall a feeling of surprise; my impression of him was not what I expected. There was a sense of serenity that emanated from him, yet an air of grounded-ness as well. Not merely concerned with cosmic matters, he had his mind on the practical. After he took my hands and bowed slightly, he asked if we had eaten since our arrival. I told him that I was anxious to conduct the interview. He nodded in agreement, but responded “Then you eat.” His physical body was not what I had anticipated. He was not muscle-bound, as I would have envisioned a weightlifter’s physique to be. Decked out in a pale blue workout suit, he cut a rather compact figure. While we spoke, he sat across the table, lightly squeezing a grip strengthener., alternating hand to hand. His eyes were closed a good bit of the time, but on occasion, they would widen in surprise or delight.
Some memorable quotes: “Inside my body is a soul, inside my body is God. So, I have to feed the living presence of God, the Divine in me, my Inner Pilot. That is the highest attitude. I am all gratitude to my creator.”
“Peace is something I get not by possessing, but by sharing. If I have an iota of peace that I share with you, then I will be happy. By loving the world the way mother loves a child…I love a flower, I feel that the flower is also loving me. Why do I get joy? I am getting something from the flower and giving something to it.”
He then honored me with this statement:” I am glad to be given the opportunity to be of service to you, to your Inner Pilot, which is my God as well. God brought you here as an instrument of His. Two days ago, I met Mother Teresa. In this moment, she grabs my head like this (He makes a motion, placing one hand along either side of his head, as if to bring it down for a kiss on the top, as a mother would do for her child). The next moment, she is playing the role of a sister. The next moment she goes like this. (He folds his hands in front of his chest in prayer posture and bows his head) She knows we are on the same boat, the boat of peace on the river of peace.”
A few days ago, a friend was in my office, and I was showing her a poster that hangs on the wall from a concert he gave in Philadelphia that Fall. He is gazing upward, serenely, as if listening to a call that he alone can hear. I honor this man of peace and compassion with a huge heart that inspires me and helps me recognize that when tapped into that Source. At the time, I had not known that Sri Chinmoy had passed. He obviously is still speaking.
(This tribute is from Shivaram Trichur, who was a colleague of Sri Chinmoy's in the Indian consulate where he worked immediately upon his arrival to the U.S in 1964, and who became Sri Chinmoy's disciple a few years later.)
In 1964 June walking across the reception area of the Indian Consulate in New York during a conversation I asked my shy quiet compatriot.’what exactly is God”? He answered “Isn’t it consciousness”? I stepped back and looked at him holding by breath. Many years later when I read another great saint’s life this answer shone with the clarity and stamp of truth-certainty of one only with direct experience of pure Consciousness could have given.
What all happened between 1964 and October 11, 2007 will fill many pages. On October 12 standing in front of Guru in Yoganidra, my heavy heart was comforted by those two eyes which gently opened a little several times as if to recognize the friend who asked that question more than 43 years earlier.
Gratitude is the word I have learnt to spell and the meaning of which I am learning a little deeper everyday, from Guru
Eternal gratitude from one who was called friend, brother, son and disciple
- Shivaram Trichur
Other Selected Comments: Leave your own Tribute Other Tributes at Sri Chinmoy.org- Tributes from Spiritual Figures
- Tributes from Humanitarian and Cultural figures
- Tributes from Musicians
- Tributes from Sportsmen and Sportswomen
Photo of Sri Chinmoy from his ashram days.
Two poignant recent poems by Sri Chinmoy
Two recent prayer-poems written by Sri Chinmoy have recently come to light on the Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Group which seem especially poignant now given the Master's passing.
Every Saturday morning whenever he was in New York, Sri Chinmoy would arrive at the 2 mile race held by his students to give out the prizes, which (in keeping with the participation-rather-than-winning focus of the races) usually consisted of a banana for each of the first three male and female finishers. Before giving the prizes, he would spontaneously compose a race prayer - sometimes this prayer would even be set to music! Sri Chinmoy composed his final race prayer on the morning of September 29th - here we can see how in the eye of a spiritual Master, the body's trials and tribulations pale in comparison the soul's delight:
The fever of the body Comes and goes. May my God-love-heart fever Remain forever and forever.
The fever of the body Is torture unbearable. My God-love-heart fever Is rapture unimaginable.
(unofficial version, not yet published)
The second poem came to light during a meditation function held by Sri Chinmoy's students in New York yesterday evening. For the past two years, Sri Chinmoy had been composing a series of rhyming couplets, one for every day of the year, in a collection 'My God-Hunger Cry'. This collection was not released in book form like most of Sri Chinmoy's output, but rather in sheets containing a week's worth of poems. Last night, the final sheet was made available during the meditation function, containing prayer-poems Sri Chinmoy had written for the week ending November 1; the following was the last poem on the sheet.
"Alas, my whole body has started to decay. But I am so happy that every day My Lord is getting younger day by day."
Thank you to Meriem Ait-Ouyahia and Arpan De Angelo for posting these two poems on the Inspiration Group. Photograph by Kedar Misani on Sri Chinmoy Galleries.