Latest news and features
Peace Run in Iceland
The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run is currently passing through Iceland, taking advantage of the long summer days and enthusiasm of the local people.

The run, founded by Sri Chinmoy, exists to promote peace, harmony and friendship amongst people around the world.

How can I have peace?
Not by talking about peace,
But by walking
Along the road of peace.
– Sri Chinmoy
On the road.
The Peace Run in Iceland began in the glacier Langjökull, where the torch was lit.
Ananda music tour of Czech and Slovakia
Ananda, a music group composed of disciples of Sri Chinmoy, have recently toured the Czech Republic and Slovakia offering a series of concerts in Bratislava, Zlín, Brno and Prague.
In Bratislava, June 22nd, they performed in the theatre of comedians Lasica & Satinsky Studio. Their concerts involve both meditation music and mantras - with the audience participating in the last song. For the first concert, there was an audience of 130 who thoroughly enjoyed the concert.

- Ananda at Radio Sri Chinmoy
Self Transcendence 3100 mile race - 2015
The nineteenth annual Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race began this week in New York. The epic race was founded by Sri Chinmoy, a spiritual teacher who also encouraged ultra distance running as a means to physical and spiritual self-transcendence.
Runners set off on the first day.
To follow the action, with race results, live web cam and reports, visit the pages homesite at:
- 3100 mile race at Sri Chinmoy Races
- 3100 mile race 2015 at Perfection Journey
Media articles about the 2015 race
These media articles appeared before the start of the race.
“The main reason I’m doing it is for what happens when I run,” Nirbhasa said. “I really get into these very beautiful states of inner peace and calm, and when you experience those states of meditation it makes all the little struggles and challenges worthwhile.”
- Irish man's attempt to run the world's longest race at Irish Times
"The race encourages competing with yourself,” Mr Cunningham said. “You try and really stay heartfelt, so you don’t analyse things or calculate mileage or speed, otherwise it gets too overwhelming. I use meditation and breathing techniques I learned from the race founder. That was how I first got interested in it, the idea of combining the two.” - Perth man to run 3100 mile race
Single-mindedness of the very long distance runner - at Australian.com
Some photos from the race
More photos from:
Before the start
Support for the runners.
'Never Give Up'
The 3100 Self-transcendence race is dedicated to race founder Sri Chinmoy.
Runners take the start line in all weather.
The joy of the race.
Competitors before the start.
More photosOneness-Dream in California
Oneness-Dream is an all male acapella singing group who perform the songs of Sri Chinmoy; recently they visited the West coast of California to perform several concerts.
Several concerts took place in former Spanish missions which were established during the early years of California in the Eighteenth Century. Many missions have been since abandoned, but a peace still endures in these former places of worship.
The concerts included:
- “Pilgrimage of the Heart” yoga studio, San Diego
- Sri Chinmoy Centre, San Diego (practice concert)
- Mission Church at San Juan Capistrano
- Mission Church at San Buenaventura
- Mission Church at La Purisma Conception Lomboc
- Mission Church at San Miquel Archangel
- Mission Church at San Carlos Borromeo Carmel
- Mission Church at San Juan Bautista
- Mission Church at Santa Cruz
- By Sri Chinmoy’s Statue at Narada’s residence
- Mission Church at San Francisco Solana, Sonoma
- Outside concert by the Giant Redwoods of California.
- Mission Dolores in San Francisco

The aim of the group is to offer the music and songs of Sri Chinmoy in its purest and simplest form. Sri Chinmoy composed over 20,000 songs during his lifetime - songs which express a variety of spiritual emotions and can be very conducive for meditation.
Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982"Music is psychic enlightenment. Music is the supreme fulfilment of the aspiring human soul."

San Diego Sri Chinmoy Centre

The group received hospitality from the San Francisco and San Diego Sri Chinmoy Centres during their week long tour.
To listen to Oneness-Dream, you can visit this recording from Radio Sri Chinmoy
Agnikana's group in Australia
Recently Agnikana's group - a music group from Czech Republic - visited Australia and New Zealand where they offered a series of concerts - performing the music of Sri Chinmoy.
The group has performed all around the world; on this tour they performed in Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Auckland.
Agnikana's group performing in a church.
The simple harmonies were appreciated by concert goers at all main venues.
"Your music was exquisite! With the first sound of your voices I had goose bumps and was completely mesmerized. Your harmonies brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful, pure and sensitive. Thank you for sharing."
- Comment from audience
"It feels like they are just angels on the earth, singing the music. It was beautiful. So pleasant, so peaceful, so soothing. I can’t express enough words for it. It was just delightful. Completely amazing. Thank you so much for providing the opportunity to listen to this beautiful music. Thank you. I can’t thank you enough."
- Comment from audience
Concert for 'Music of the Heart'
- Agnikana's group at Radio Sri Chinmoy
New Health Food Store in Den Haag
In Den Haag, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre run a Health Food Store, which recently moved to a new, bigger store. The new health food store has a mixture of organic food, fresh to-go meals, smoothies and juices, and aims to offer an integral approach to healthy living.
The manager, Pradeep, kindly shared with us some thoughts about the new store.
Question: Tell us a little about the move to a new shop
/Pradeep/ We had been two years in the old location which was right across the street but the building was not any more suitable for the needs of a modern day health food store. We had many new ideas and great capacities within the team of workers that couldn't really come to fruition there because of lack of space. We decided we would search for a bigger location, and after two years we got this opportunity for a new bigger location right opposite the street, not even ten meters away. With the help of designers, such as Bikash, Sumangali, Chandrakanta and Drisalu we worked on developing a new concept for our Madal Bal shop - Happy, Healthy, Tasty.
The idea is we want to present healthy living in a new holistic way:
- Happy: Meditation workshops
- Healthy: Nutritional therapists, lectures on health, food supplements.
- Tasty: Tasty organic foods grown with concern for mother earth.
In the new store we have a first floor where we give meditation classes and which is rented by different health therapists. Each Saturday morning we have a free lecture on some health related topics; it can be anything from making your own vegan cakes to fighting winter depression with essential oils or the chemistry of amino acids.
The main part of the business of course still is the organic groceries and some fresh items we make ourselves.
Question: What do you hope to offer customers?/Pradeep/ We want to offer our customers an integral and holistic approach to health which nourishes all the parts of our being. We feel that healthy living needs healthy food, meditation and maybe some personalized therapy when the balance is lost. Apart from that we feel that our service to our customers also involves ourselves and how we look upon ourselves and treat our customers and our colleagues. We hope to share our hearts. In the way we serve our customers and work together as a team we hope to be an inspiration for people and offer a kind of unspoken solution for harmonizing the inner and the outer life. Our motto is: Lifting up the world with a oneness-heart.
Question: Why do you like working with health foods?/Pradeep:/ In a way I never chose consciously to work with health food, though I have a great love for nature. I studied geology and normally that doesn't mean that you will work in a health food store one day. However, when I concluded my studies 15 years ago I had the opportunity to work full time in the Madal Bal store where I had already worked during my studies. At the time I worked there one day a week just because they needed some help. Always when I came home from a day at work I felt tremendous purity and fulfilment even in my physical body. I was very happy to come and work there full time once I finished my studies. My interest for health food was basically secondary to my interest for spirituality but I have come to like it very much over the years! I had some small health issues and in trying to solve those you could say I have become very interested in health foods myself - e.g. trying out the latest superfoods and theories on how and what to eat and combine. It gives me joy and it helps me to be healthier. It's a joy to share this information again with the customers. In that sense a health food store is a nice combination of physical labour and a service to the people where you can also use your heart and mind. People are very grateful when you help them with true warmth and concern and also give them good advice and good products which help them to feel better.
The Madal Bal team in Den Haag.
A photo of Sri Chinmoy - the inspiration behind the enterprise.
Opening day.
The outside of the shop.
Related- Madal Bal Shop
- Divine Enterprises at Sri Chinmoy Centre
Songs of the Soul Concert New York 2015
During a recent international celebration of Sri Chinmoy's students in New York, a free Songs of the Soul concert was offered at the Baruch Performing Arts Centre, Manhattan.
Featuring a host of musicians from around the world, the performers offered different interpretations of Sri Chinmoy's music.
"Everybody on earth is a musician and a singer. A singer does not have to carry a note perfectly. Music is the language of God. God's language, music, is not like mathematics or geometry. It is a language of love. If we love music, that is enough."
- Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy answers, part 27, Agni Press, 2000
Some of the performers on the night included:

Photos by Apaguha, Bijoy and Prashputita.
Related- Songs of the Soul website
World Happiness Day 2015
20 March is the International Day of Happiness, Sri Chinmoy Centres around the world support initiatives to promote happiness.
Sri Chinmoy has written extensively on the concept of happiness. Sri Chinmoy teaches that in genuine happiness is spiritual progress.
- More poems on happiness at Sri Chinmoy Poetry
- Be Happy! - at Sri Chinmoy.org
Exhibition of Sri Chinmoy's art in Ottawa
An exhibition of Sri Chinmoy's Jharna Kala art is currently on display in central Ottawa.
The exhibition held at 54 Elgin at Queen includes a selection of Sri Chinmoy's unique artistic creations, which have been widely admired for their vividness, spontaneity and spiritual feeling. The exhibition will be held until April.
“When it is a matter of my paintings, there is no mind, no form. Something within me is coming to the fore freely, effortlessly, with infinite inspiration…spreading its beauty and light so that my paintings flow spontaneously. When I paint, I try to go deep within to the source of creativity where it is all peace, calmness and quiet."
- Sri Chinmoy
Peace Run 2015
The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run began 2015, on the first of January, with an event in Croatia.
Members of the Peace Run, run through the walls of Dubrovnik. It was part of a 10km race through the ancient walled city of Dubrovnik. The Peace Run later featured on Croatian national TV.
Is the oneness-bridge
Between my satisfaction
And the world’s satisfaction.
- Sri Chinmoy
Mayor of Dubrovnik, Andro Vlahušić, greets the runners - in front of the patron saint of the city, Sveti Vlaho (Saint Blaise).
- Peace Run report
AUM Magazine
At Sri Chinmoy Library, we have published some of the early volumes of AUM magazine. The first edition of AUM was published on 27th August 1965 - just over a year after Sri Chinmoy arrived in New York, US. The AUM magazines contain a treasure of early talks, question and answers, poetry and discourses by Sri Chinmoy. The AUM magazines provided material for many of the first books published by Sri Chinmoy.

Over the next few months more editions of AUM magazine will be added to Sri Chinmoy Library.
The first talk in the AUM vol 1. No. 1. is on the subject of AUM
Continue reading: AUM"AUM is the soundless sound. It is the vibration of the Supreme. When one hears the soundless sound within, when one identifies oneself with it, when one lives within it, one can be freed from the fetters of ignorance and realise the Supreme within and without."
New statue in Canberra
At the closing ceremony of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in Australia 2014, a new statue of Sri Chinmoy was unveiled in Canberra. The statue is located by a lake at Regatta point.
The statue of Sri Chinmoy, sculpted by Kaivalya Torpy.
The Peace Torch

Runners mark the end of their journey through Australia, spreading a message of peace and harmony.
More photos at Peace Run.org
Right now fear, doubt, anxiety, tension and disharmony are reigning supreme. But there shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace. Who is going to bring about that radical change? It will be you: you and your sisters and brothers, who are an extension of your reality-existence. It will be you and your oneness-heart, which is spread throughout the length and breadth of the world. Peace is unity. Peace is oneness, within and without."
Jharna Kala 40th anniversary
November 19th was the 40th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy's Jharna Kala - "Fountain Art"; this anniversary was observed around the world.
A painting of Sri Chinmoy
"Jharna-Kala" is the Bengali name Sri Chinmoy chose for his artwork. The English translation is "Fountain Art" - which signifies art flowing from the source of creation, flowing from the inspiration he receives in meditation.
He began painting on November 19th, 1974 in Ottawa, Canada. Over the next 33 years, Sri Chinmoy produced a prolific output of paintings.
One art critic commented on the paintings of Sri Chinmoy:
"Instead of seeing the world as a concrete, solid body where things are separate, Sri Chinmoy sees the world as a unity where all things seem to move together. The paintings are physical manifestations of his inner meditations. They show a higher level of consciousness.
- T.J.Bergen, Secretary American Contemporary Artists Galleries.
A Soul Bird drawing. Sri Chinmoy signed his paintings CKG
Recently, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre observed the 40th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy's art.
An undated Jharna Kala
Related- Sri Chinmoy Art
- Daily Sri Chinmoy Art
- Slideshow at Sri Chinmoy TV
Recent videos and audio recordings
At Sri Chinmoy TV there have been several new videos, including archive videos of Sri Chinmoy's early meditations in the 1970s. On Radio Sri Chinmoy, there have been some classic recordings by Sri Chinmoy and recent performances by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre.
- Sri Chinmoy - early meditations from the 1970s
- Early film footage from the 1970s - recorded on Super 8s
by Sri Chinmoy
- My unfailing harpsichord friend - Sri Chinmoy singing and playing the harpsichord
- Peace Concert Tokyo 1984 - An early Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy in Japan
- Pole Star Promise Light - Sri Chinmoy sings 50 Bengali songs
Recordings from Radio Sri Chinmoy
by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre
- Performances from August Celebrations 2014
- Live in Mondsee - Dinesh group
Challenging Impossibility in Zurich
Recently, a special display of Sri Chinmoy's lifting equipment were made available for public viewing in the prominent main station in Zurich.
Thousands of people passed the stand which was part of an exhibition on promoting good health. Within the display were 3 TV screens that featured weight-lifting videos and the famous documentary "Challenging Impossibility". The exhibition is a travelling museum and has visited many cities around US and Europe. The exhibition shows the weightlifting machines that Sri Chinmoy used for hoisting immense weights with his arms, legs and shoulders. This includes a staggering 2,600 lb standing calf raise, a unique apparatus for lifting individuals overhead, and a 800 lb bench press. A gallery of photos and short films documenting these extraordinary feats of strength completes the display.
Related- Sri Chinmoy sporting career at Sri Chinmoy Centre
- Inspiration-Lifts - about Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting
Recent articles by members
Some recent articles by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre on topics related to the spiritual life.
Sri Chinmoy Inspiration Group - a Yahoo group with conversations on topics, such as crossing the barriers of age, staying on the path.
Other popular writings from the archive include
Stories by members of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in joining the path - First steps in the world of meditation and significant experiences with Sri Chinmoy
Reflections on Running - an edition of Inspiration Letters dedicated to the theme of running
Seven secrets of meditation by Jogyata Dallas - A popular series of articles on 'secrets' of meditation.
Oneness-Dream singing tour in Scotland
Recently - Oneness-Dream, a group of male singers from the Sri Chinmoy Centre visited Scotland to perform the songs of Sri Chinmoy at a variety of churches, monasteries and temples.
The group performed a total of 15 performances in different locations ranging from short, spontaneous performances to full concerts of about 1 hour.
Highlights of the tour included performing at Iona, Findhorn and the Hindu Temple in Glasgow during the Glasgow Mandir. The tour was often described by participants as a pilgrimage - the singers visited many of the famous holy sites of Scoltand - including ancient spiritual centres such as Whithorn, Kilmartin and Iona and more modern centres, such as Findhorn and Gorbals Parish.

- Oneness Dream
- Scottish pilgrimage at Oneness Dream
- Oneness Dream at Vaasa Festival, 2012
Songs of the Soul NY
Recently, a Songs of the Soul Concert was offered at the Skirball Centre, New York to celebrate the life and music of Sri Chinmoy. The concert, featuring musicians from around the world, was part of the 50th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy's arrival in the West.
Performing in the concert, included Gandharva Loka - an international orchestra of around 70 members from all around the world. They performed the arranged compositions of Sri Chinmoy.
Sri Chinmoy, Sound and Silence, Part 2, Agni Press, 1982Music is psychic enlightenment. Music is the supreme fulfilment of the aspiring human soul.
World record flower garland
August 27th marked the 83rd birth anniversary of Sri Chinmoy; this year 2014 also marks the 50th anniversary since Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West in April 1964. To mark the special anniversary, students of Sri Chinmoy met in New York and took part in various activities as part of a two week long celebration.
This included making the world’s longest flower garland. A team of 200 volunteers, led by Ashrita Furman worked around the clock to create a new Guinness world record for a flower garland which totalled 5 miles (8.046 km) in length.
The flower garland was made in multiple loops at Joseph-Austin-Field in in the borough Queens of New York The super-sized garland weighing 4000 lb (1800 kg) ensures Ashrita Furman a new entry in the Guinness Book of Records. (Ashrita Furman currently holds 206 Guinness World Records)
After the record was documented, the flowers were re-used to create a stunning 'room of flowers' in a nearby driveway.
Other activities during the August celebrations included the Sri Chinmoy Self-transcendence marathon in Rockland State Park and a Songs of the Soul Concert in Manhattan New York.
(photo Bijoy Imhof)
Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race in the media
The 2014 edition of Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race is nearly over - after 50 plus days of the 14 runners competing in this epic feat of endurance . So far five runners have completed the 3,100 miles, with Sarvagata Ukrainskyi of the Ukraine finishing 1st in a time of 45 days. Sarah Barnett (Aus) is due to finish soon becoming the first female to win this race, and only the 4th women ever to finish.
William Sichel (Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK) is also likely to finish within the time limit, becoming the first over 60 year old to complete the distance.
The 3100 mile race inspired by spiritual Teacher, Sri Chinmoy, takes part in humble surroundings in Jamaica, Queens - and has recently featured in many international news outlets.
- Inside the world's longest race - - CBS This Morning:
- New York Today: Endless Summer Race - New York Times:
- Runners seek spiritual experience - Fox 5 News:
Video from CBS News
For more results and details, visit:
- 3100 Mile Self-Transcendence Race at Sri Chinmoy Races
- 3100 mile race at Perfection Journey
Photos: Jowan (Spontaneous Beauty)
Other in depth media articles- Running 3100 Miles and Following their leader every step of the way by Corey Kilgannon, New York Times – July 1, 2004
- Run Like Fire Once More: Chasing Perfection at the World’s Longest Footrace By: Sam Shaw at Harpers Magazine
- How to Run the 3100 mile race in 12 easy steps - NBC New York Thursday, Jun 24, 2010
- 3100 Mile Race at PRI, June 26, 2014
- The Self-Transcendence 3,100-Mile Race: A Five-Person Poll - New York mag, June 20, 2008
- People in Queens Are Running Around a Single Block for 3,100 Miles - New York Observer 07/06/11
- Endurance Block Party - 3,100 mile race at Runners World