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This is one of the stories in our Story-Gems project, a collection of our experiences with our Guru, Sri Chinmoy. Project homepage »
Sri Chinmoy, 1969
The night before I met Guru for the first time, I had dreamt that I was at the Centre and there was a meditation happening. It was extremely powerful. Guru did not talk much. At the end of the meditation, Guru said, “The meeting is over, please go home.” Then he mentioned the names of five or six disciples and asked them to stay. All of them were the younger ones of the group at that time.
I tried to get up to leave but I could not. I was forcing myself to stand up and walk out, but I could not move. It was like I was glued to the chair. So I decided to stay a little longer until I could get up and walk.
I stayed and meditated and after some time, I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw that the meditation room was completely empty. There was nobody there. I started to get up to leave and a force came through my heart. It forced me to walk toward the entrance of the room where Guru was with the disciples he had asked to stay. Guru was lying down on the couch. I looked at Guru and told him, “For good or bad, I am your son.”
Guru replied, “If you are my son, cut your hair, shave your beard, and follow me. I shall lead you to the Golden Shore of the Eternal Beyond.”
Then I woke up. I could not wait to go to meditation that Sunday morning. I just could not wait to see him.
So I went to the Centre. Guru started to meditate, and it was an extremely high and powerful meditation. I don’t recall if Guru said anything and I don’t know how long we were there either.
At some point, Guru said, “The meeting is over. Please go home. I will see you again when I come back in February.” This was in December of 1969.
I tried to get up and leave and I couldn’t get up. I tried again and still couldn’t get up. I placed my hands at the edge of the chair to push myself up, but I couldn’t get up. As much as I tries, I just couldn’t get up from the chair. I decided to stay and meditate until I could get up.
I started to meditate and was surrounded by this powerful love. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was all alone in the meditation room. I tried to get up and I was able to. The moment I got up, a force entered into my heart and took me right to the room where Guru was. Guru was lying on a divan and the disciples were on the floor in front of him.
Immediately Guru looked straight at me and asked, “What do you have to say?”
My mouth opened up and I said, “For good or bad, I am your son.”
He looked at me with the sweetest eyes and the sweetest face and said, “If you are my son, cut your hair, shave your beard, and follow me. I shall lead you to the Golden Shore of the Eternal Beyond.” Word for word as I had dreamt it. Everything was exactly the same.
But then he added, “I will see you in February and I will initiate you. In May, I will give you your soul’s name.” In those days we used to get our spiritual names very early on.
This experience stayed with me to this day. In fact, all of my experiences with Guru have stayed with me to this day.
Sri Chinmoy, May 1969
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!
May all my God-dreams blossom
In my aspiring heart-garden.
My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme!