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Iceland Singing Tour
In July 2011 twelve singers from around the world visited Iceland to perform Sri Chinmoy’s songs at a variety of churches throughout the country. The 12 male singers sang Sri Chinmoy's songs acapella to audiences across Iceland. These performances capture the simplicity, soulfulness and purity of Sri Chinmoy's music. In the video, the performers talk a little about the experience of singing in this concert tour.
[jwplayer file="http://www.srichinmoy.tv/wp-content/uploads/media/iceland-song-tour-2889..." image="http://www.srichinmoy.tv/wp-content/uploads/featured-images/iceland-song..." width="450"] Source: Sri Chinmoy TV
Sri Chinmoy visited Iceland on a number of occasions.

In this photo, Sri Chinmoy participates in Iceland being declared a Sri Chinmoy Peace-Blossom nation.
12 male singers from different Sri Chinmoy Centres sang at several concerts around Iceland.
Sri Chinmoy's 80th Birthday
August 27th, 2011 was the 80th anniversary of Sri Chinmoy's birthday.

New York Councilman and Park Director complete the world's longest garland in honour of Sri Chinmoy's 80th birthday. (photo Prashphutita)
To mark the occasion, Ashrita Furman and 170 members of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team created a new Guinness World Record for the world's largest garland of flowers.
Using 80,000 carnations, the team created a 2.15 mile garland of flowers around a lake in Flushing Meadows, New York.
Ashrita Furman spoke of the event:
“My friends and I have a tradition to express our gratitude to Sri Chinmoy as he inspires us to discover inner peace, joy and strength through meditation. On the occasion of Sri Chinmoy's 80th birthday anniversary we wanted to do something special. The huge garland expresses the deep gratitude we feel. There was an great feeling of oneness and harmony because people from 35 countries were connected by the garland in a circle symbolising planet earth.”
80,000 carnations were flown in from Columbia to Miami airport and then transported in a refrigerated lorry to New York. The 170 volunteers worked from 6.30am to 13.00 to complete the record garland.

Video by Parimal
RelatedEpic Feats of Self Transcendence
The 2011 edition of the Self-Transcendence 3100 race recently finished, with the ten runners completing a total of 29,517 miles.
There were eight runners who finished the 3100 mile race in the allotted time frame of 54 days. The total mileage of the 10 runners (29,517) is equivalent to running around the world + another 4,500 miles.
Sarvagata finishes his first race in first place, with a very impressive time of 44 days, 13:38:52

The race continues whatever the weather. (Photo Alakananda)

Record temperatures made life difficult for the runners in the race. (photo Prabhakar)
(Surasa finishes - Photo Arpan)
Surasa becomes the 2nd woman to finish the race. She finished on the last scheduled day.
The race was founded by Sri Chinmoy, who used to regularly visit the race. Photo Utpal
This is from a previous edition of the race, where Sri Chinmoy is giving a birthday cake to one of the participants, Atmavir.
Final Results
- 3100 Mile Race at Sri Chinmoy Races
- Final race report by Utpal at Perfection Journey
- Many Faces of the 3100 Mile Race
New Sri Chinmoy TV
Sri Chinmoy TV, which has an extensive collection of videos about Sri Chinmoy and Sri Chinmoy Centre, has been redesigned.
Videos can now be easily embedded in blogs and web pages.
The above video is an excerpt from Sri Chinmoy's meditation at the World Parliament of Religions on July 7th,

World Harmony Run - John O'Groats to Lands End
In the UK, the World Harmony Run is travelling the entire length of the country from John O'Groats in Scotland, to Lands End in the tip of Cornwall in South England.

Members of the World Harmony Run team running through the Lake District.

Members of the World Harmony run team in Edinburgh
The World Harmony Run was founded by Sri Chinmoy to promote the ideal of peace, harmony and friendship.
Harmony shall echo
And re-echo
Throughout the length
And breadth of the world
When each human being
Values the beauty
And divinity
Of self-offering.
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, My God-Commitments, Agni Press, 1992.]

On route, the World Harmony Run team visited the largest Tibetan monastery in Europe.
- Recent World Harmony Run posts
- View: World Harmony Run GB
Tribute To Pranavanta
Pranavanta John Montefiore, a student of Sri Chinmoy, was an exceptional artist who developed a strong reputation for his innovative and marathon artworks.

Pranavanta became a meditation student of Sri Chinmoy in 1985. Studying under the tutelage of Sri Chinmoy (who himself was an artist) gave Pranavanta artwork a renewed spiritual energy. A tribute to his life was recently published in the Sydney Morning Herald.
...Montefiore was an aficionado, someone who could wax lyrical on many aspects of the world: not just the beauty that he strived to portray in his artwork but also the sweet sounds of music, the aroma of a flower, even the joy of a terrible pun. Montefiore's altarpiece in Christ Church Cathedral, Newcastle.
When people say ''Words can't express it'', they obviously never accompanied their words with the enthusiasm of Montefiore. His marathon artworks were best accompanied by his own commentary, as he guided you through the story he was telling with his work. Every dot of paint, its position and shape, had profound significance...
Read more at Sydney Morning Herald
3100 Mile Race 2011
The 15th Annual Self-Transcendence 3100 mile race begins today, June 12th in Jamaica, Queens, NY.

Ten runners will attempt, what the NY Times describes as the "The Mount Everest of ultramarathons" Runners will need to complete 5649 laps of a .5488 of a mile course (883 meters) in the timespan of 52 days. The course also includes a small hill. Runners will need to average 60 miles a day to complete in time. The current record for the 3100 mile race is Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk of Germany who finished the course in 2006 in a time of 41 days 8 hours, averaging 75 miles per day.
The race was founded by Sri Chinmoy, a Spiritual Teacher keen to promote the benefits of sport and individual self-transcendence.
“Self-transcendence gives us joy in boundless measure. When we transcend ourselves, we do not compete with others. We do not compete with the rest of the world, but at every moment we compete with ourselves.”
3100 Mile Race Links
Blog- A Dream Come True - first blog post by Utpal
- 3100 Race Blog
photo top: Utpal
Human Chain of Peace and Harmony
In Budapest, 10,000 children participated in a human chain of peace and harmony around the Hungarian Parliament; the unique ceremony was part of the global World Harmony Run.
School children came from up to 300Km away to take part in this special event at Hungary's Parliament. The event was co-ordinated by organisers of the World Harmony Run - founded by Sri Chinmoy to promote peace and understanding around the world.

The event was covered by Hungarian TV and the school children were joined by the Hungarian president, Pal Schmitt and Vice-President Balczo Zoltan. During the day, there were many cultural activities based on the theme of harmony.
Peace we achieve
When we do not expect anything
From the world,
But only give, give, and give
What we have and what we are.
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Quotes on Peace]
You can read more at Hungary World Harmony Run
Related- Post on World Harmony Run at Sri Chinmoy Centre News
Self Transcendence
Sri Chinmoy taught a philosophy of self-transcendence - the effort and determination to go beyond our limitations and discover our own inner and outer capacities.

What gives life its value,
If not its inner cry
For self-transcendence?
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 54, Agni Press, 1984. ]
Through his various prolific activities in fields such as sport, weightlifting, music and writing, Sri Chinmoy is an exampel of how a life of prayer and meditation can increase our inner and outer capacities.
If we believe in our own
Then there can be
No unreachable goal.
Sri Chinmoy, [2. No Unreachable Goal, Agni Press, 1994. ]
Unmistakably knows
No equal.
- Sri Chinmoy, [3. My Christmas-New Year-Vacation Aspiration-Prayers, Part 30, Agni Press, 2004.]
RelatedPeace Prize for Desmond Tutu
Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu was recently presented with the first Sri Chinmoy Peace Prize for his dedication to fostering the ideals of peace in the hearts and lives of millions worldwide.
Sri Chinmoy met with Desmond Tutu on numerous occasions.

In 2004, Sri Chinmoy offered Archbishop Desmond Tutu the 'Lifting up the World with a Oneness-Heart Award' During a private in meeting in Capetown, 1995, Sri Chinmoy said of Desmond Tutu.
Father Tutu, you perfectly embody both contemplation and action, and thus you serve as a radiant example for God-lovers and peace-seekers everywhere in today's world. In your compelling words: "The most important, the most cardinal fact about our life is the spiritual-that encounter with God in prayer, in worship, in meditation." Far from providing an escape, religion for you sounds a clarion call to the service of truth. [1. Sri Chinmoy, link]
After receiving the Sri Chinmoy Peace Award, Desmond Tutu expressed his gratitude saying:
“Thank you so much for this very special award which I shall treasure. Please pray for us. I wish to say that world has got very many ugly things—war and poverty and disease. But it also has beautiful things…. Sri Chinmoy was one of God’s very best fellow workers, working for harmony and peace, and we thank God for his tireless service.We pray for God’s Blessings on all who follow his teachings to plant the seeds of peace and harmony throughout the world."
Desmond Tutu also held aloft the World Harmony Run torch which is committed to the ideals of spreading peace and harmony throughout the world.
Read More at World Harmony Run
Related- Inspiration from Africa - World Harmony Run
The Silent Mind
Sri Chinmoy gives several practical ways to keep the mind silent during meditation.

What can we do about thoughts on a practical level? Let us take thoughts as individuals and take the mind as a room that we live in and own. We have to bolt the door to our mind-room from the inside and not allow anybody whatsoever to enter. We will not only keep out our enemies, which are bad thoughts, but also our friends, the good thoughts. We are determined to enjoy only silence, complete silence.
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Answers, Part 6, Agni Press, 1995.]
Another technique Sri Chinmoy encourages is to use the power of the heart rather than the mind.
How will you make the mind calm and quiet? The mind has its own power, and right now this power is stronger than your present eagerness and determination to meditate. But if you can get help from your heart, then gradually you will be able to control your mind. The heart, in turn, gets constant assistance from the soul, which is all light and all power.
- Sri Chinmoy - [2. The Silent Mind at Sri Chinmoy Centre]
My mind,
Keep your thoughts silent.
Keep your words silent.
Keep everything that you have
And you are silent
To make me and my heart
Extremely happy.
- Sri Chinmoy [3. Sri Chinmoy, Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, Part 6, Agni Press, 1998.]
Related- Photo credit Menaka Sri Chinmoy Centre Galleries
Feats of Strength and Inner Peace
The film Challenging Impossibility gives a unique insight into how Sri Chinmoy used weightlifting to inspire other people, and also the link between outer strength and inner peace.

The film is playing at the Tribeca film festival and has gained significant interest for its inspirational message. In a A Monument to Strength as a Path to Enlightenment, the New York Times reflects on how body builders and weightlifters were drawn to the unusual combination of a Spiritual Teacher and person who lifted heavy weights.
"...Those three — and other bodybuilders like Bill Pearl and Mike Katz — would attend the guru’s lifting exhibitions and were intrigued and inspired by a man of normal size and physique lifting such heavy weight later in life..."
- A Monument to Strength, New York Times
The film is directed by Sanjay Rawal and Natabara Rollosson, you can view a short interview at Cinema Blend on the inspiration behind the film.
Sri Chinmoy saw a strong connection between outer strength and the inner peace gained from prayer and meditation.
The Feats of Strength, Pop up Museum, on 18 Jay Street is displaying a small selection of Sri Chinmoy's weightlifting apparatus. See: Pop Up Gallery at Challenging Impossibility.
Photo top: Calf lift - 2,300lbs from 2004 Weightlifting Anniversary.
Related- Challenging Impossibility
- Spiritual Guru's Strength on Display at NY1 - short video introducing the Weightlifting display
- Inspiration - Lifts
- Spirit over Matter at Write Spirit
2011 6 and 10 Day Race
The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team are currently promoting the 16th edition of the 6 and 10 day ultra day event in Flushing Meadows, New York.
photo by Prabhakar. more photos at Sri Chinmoy Races
- 6 and 10 Day Race at Sri Chinmoy Races. For results and latest updates.
- Utpal's blog on the race at Perfection Journey
- Race photos by Antara Prabhat
Sri Chinmoy's Music
Sri Chinmoy was a prolific composer and performed on a variety of instruments.

" When somebody is singing or playing music, it is very easy for us to identify with it because we are on the same level. But music can be found everywhere. Music is oneness with God's Infinity, Eternity and Immortality. Music is a universal language. We do not need any other language." [1. Sri Chinmoy, Sri Chinmoy Answers, Part 27, Agni Press, 2000.]
- Sri Chinmoy
To Sri Chinmoy, music has the capacity to awaken the soul and elevate the aspiring consciousness.
"Music is psychic enlightenment. Music is the supreme fulfilment of the aspiring human soul." [2. Music and Religion ]
- Sri Chinmoy
A small selection of some of Sri Chinmoy's recordings can be found at:
Challenging Impossibility
A short film about the weightlifting of Sri Chinmoy will feature in this years Tribeca film festival. The film includes interviews with various weightlifters and celebrities who were lifted by Sri Chinmoy during his unique weightlifting career.

Sri Chinmoy lifting 200lbs from seated position.
Details of the film screening are available at the site - Challenging Impossibility
Sri Chinmoy Calf Lift

Sri Chinmoy during a weightlifting event. Bill Pearl acts as MC for the evening.
Related- Challenging Impossibility - The Weightlifting of Sri Chinmoy
- Inspiration - Lifts
- Articles on Sri Chinmoy's Weightlifting
New Statue in Perth
A new statue of Sri Chinmoy was recently unveiled in Perth, Australia.
World-Peace-Dreamer - Sri Chinmoy
The statue included a plaque mentioning Sri Chinmoy dedicated his life to world peace.
Poem on Peace by Sri Chinmoy"...This work of art stands as a universal symbol of humanity's hope that one day the dream of world peace shall inundate the entire world...."
O dreamers of peace, come.
Let us walk together.
O lovers of peace, come,
Let us run together.
O servers of peace, come.
Let us grow together.
- Statues of Sri Chinmoy by Kaivalya Torpy
Message of Encouragement
Davidson Hepburn, President of the General Conference of UNESCO offered a message of support and encouragement for the World Harmony Run.
Davidson Hepburn offered his appreciation for the values, ideals and activities of the World Harmony Run, founded by Sri Chinmoy.
I note with admiration the many inspirational events supported by the World Harmony Run in over 100 countries during recent years. The Harmony Run Torch, passed from hand to hand, has encouraged millions of individuals to aspire for a world of oneness and peace.
Harmony and peace are not mere "buzzwords". As we look toward the future, I am reminded of the message of my dear friend Sri Chinmoy, founder of the Run, which can strengthen us on our way forward. He said that world harmony and world peace are "the realities, divine realities and supreme realities."
Read More of Speech and Video of Message from David Hepburn at World Harmony Run
Kaivalya Torpy's Statues
Since Sri Chinmoy's mahasamadhi in 2007, Kaivalya Torpy, a student of Sri Chinmoy has produced several statues of Sri Chinmoy which have been placed in different parts of the world.
Statue of Sri Chinmoy, Vaasa
Kaivalya is actually a trained scientist who worked as a physics teacher in London. However, encouraged by his Guru, Sri Chinmoy, he become more involved in sculpting several years ago. In this interview he explains how he feels Sri Chinmoy's inspiration as he works on his art.
- Life-Voices 33 Statues of Sri Chinmoy, produced by Kedar Misani.
Quotes of Sri Chinmoy
A new collection of Sri Chinmoy's quotes at Sri Chinmoy Centre.
Even the tiniest of hopes
Can show me the way
To arrive at my goal.
- Sri Chinmoy [1. Sri Chinmoy, Twenty-Seven Thousand Aspiration-Plants, Part 243, Agni Press, 1998. ]
- When the power of love replaces the love of power
- Aphorisms at Sri Chinmoy Poetry
- Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees
photo and artwork - Pavirata Taylor
Sri Chinmoy's Marathon Running
Sri Chinmoy felt running made an excellent complement to a spiritual life of prayer and meditation.
During the 1970s and 1980s, Sri Chinmoy ran 22 marathons. His first marathon was on 3 March 1979 in a time of 4:31:34. His fastest marathon time was 3.55.07 in the Toledo marathon [1. Sri Chinmoy, Run and Become part 7]
Speaking on the spiritual significance of marathons, Sri Chinmoy writes:
"The marathon is a long journey. Of course, there is also the ultramarathon, but the marathon is unique and it will always remain unparalleled among long-distance runs. Just as the marathon is a long journey on the outer plane, so is spirituality a long, longer, longest journey on the inner plane. Your own spiritual run is birthless and deathless; it is endless."
- Sri Chinmoy [2. Sri Chinmoy, The Outer Running And The Inner Running, Agni Press, 1974.]
A prolonged knee injury later forced Sri Chinmoy to give up running; instead he took up weightlifting.
The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team continue to promote marathons and other running races world-wide.
Related- Love of Running - video by Utpal Marshall