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Meditation: Touching The Infinite
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
I was just so transported by the atmosphere
Pulak Viscardi New York, United States
Just go with it and jump!
Gabriele Settimi San Diego, United States
Praying for God’s Grace to Descend
Sweta Pradhan Kathmandu, Nepal
“Where there is heart, always there is a way.”
Jogyata Dallas Auckland, New Zealand
Connecting the dots
Lunthita Duthely Hialeah, United States
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Dodula and Gunthita Zurich, Switzerland
Sri Chinmoy's opening meditation at the Parliament of World Religions
Pradhan Balter Chicago, United States
The Random Dog
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
Spiritual Friends
Preetidutta Thorpe Auckland, New Zealand
A 40-Year Blessing
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What drew me to Sri Chinmoy's path
Nikolaus Drekonja San Diego, United States
'Everyone is feeling nothing but love'
Suren Leosson Reykjavik, Iceland
Sri Chinmoy's vision of the Peace Run
Harita Davies New York, United States
How can we create harmony in the world?
Baridhi Yonchev Sofia, Bulgaria
Humorous moments with Sri Chinmoy
Toshala Elliott Auckland, New Zealand
The relationship between Guru and disciple
Baridhi Yonchev Sofia, Bulgaria