Story-Gems: Sweet moments with our Guru
More stories from Sri Chinmoy's students.

I felt a bell ringing in my heart
Charana Evans Cardiff, Wales
Spirituality means speed
Patanga Cordeiro São Paulo, Brazil
Celestial experiences
Antaranga Gressenich Munich, Germany
The day my Guru accepted me as his disciple
Banshidhar Medeiros San Juan, Puerto Rico
My 5 a.m. strategic meditations
Sanchita Fleming Ottawa, Canada
The connection between Sri Chinmoy's music and my soul
Kamalakanta Nieves New York, United States
Check your Front Tire
Arpan De Angelo New York, United States
'I could find out myself, but it was so much easier asking your soul'
Mridanga Spencer Ipswich, United Kingdom
The first time we met our Guru
Kaivalya, Devashishu and Sahadeva Torpy London, England
A 40-Year Blessing
Sarama Minoli New York, United States
A spiritual name is the name of our soul, and what we can become
Nayak Polissar Seattle, United StatesSuggested videos
interviews with Sri Chinmoy's students

A childhood meeting with Sri Chinmoy
Devashishu Torpy London, United Kingdom
Spirituality - the most fascinating subject on earth
Laila Faerman New York, United States
My favourite part of Sri Chinmoy's path
Muslim Badami Auckland, New Zealand
Growing up on Sri Chinmoy's path
Aruna Pohland Augsburg, Germany
Beginnings of a spiritual journey
Mahatapa Palit New York, United States
My well-scheduled day
Jayasalini Abramovskikh Moscow, Russia